Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 1 of 479 27 July 2011 at 4:42pm | IP Logged |
TAC 2012 starts HERE.
TAC 2014 starts HERE.
TAC 2015 starts HERE.
It's time for me to stop procrastinating and start my own language log here.
Language background:
My first experience with foreign language learning was briefly learning French in late
elementary school (5th grade, I believe). As part of the AG class at my school they
taught us some French for a few months, though I remember nothing about French
beyond a few basic phrases.
In high school I took 1 year of Spanish (I really wanted to take more but didn't have room
to fit a second year of it in my schedule sadly) and really enjoyed learning another
language. I suspect I was the only one in the class that actually was there because I
wanted to learn a language (not just to get the prerequisite foreign language credit) since
a few months into the course the teacher decided to have a vocabulary bee and after two
passes through the line I was the only one still standing. She continued drilling me with
words until I finally missed a few and I must have looked like a memory freak at that
point. However, I had genuinely memorized those early vocabulary terms as the subject
was honestly interesting to me. As the year drew on, though, the vocab lists became
boring so I mostly crammed for the vocab tests in the last few months rather than
actually memorizing the words (I probably didn't remember most of the later vocabulary
beyond the day of the test). The teacher genuinely knew Spanish well (she was a
missionary's kid raised in Bolivia) and I naturally seemed to emulate the accent which I
believe helped my pronunciation a good bit.
I continued studying Spanish on and off (mostly off) over the years that followed, but
didn't really do any thorough studying after high school.
For a few years now I've been wanting to reignite my Spanish learning and I had also
developed an interest in Asian languages (mostly Japanese). I had learned a few
Japanese numbers (romanized, of course) but that was about the extent of it. At about
the same time my mom expressed an interest in renewing her old high-school Spanish
for usage at work, so I started more seriously investigating learning methods.
I finally decided to start with Pimsleur and listened to several of their "lesson 1" tracks
to get a feel for which language I wanted to learn (other than Spanish, which was a given).
I seriously considered Japanese, but I had also started to take an interest in the Korean
pop music that I'd come across a few months earlier, so I read up on the Korean
language as well. I finally made my choice and purchased Pimsleur Comprehensive I for
both Korean and Spanish (splitting the cost of the Spanish course with my mom as she
used it as well).
That purchase was nearly two years ago now. I completed Comp I+II in Korean and Comp
I+II+III in Spanish. In Korean, I moved on to the video series Let's Speak Korean and the
Survival Korean series of books and started using Anki quite heavily. I'm also learning
한자 characters with Anki (even though they aren't as common as in Japanese/Chinese I
still enjoy learning them and still find them useful). In Spanish, I moved on to Assimil
(storing the sentences from the dialogs in Anki as I went).
I've used a variety of sources for Korean since and am still actively learning it. Spanish,
however, has been on the back burner for a long time now since I felt I needed to focus
more on one language at a time (and Korean interested me far more than Spanish by
that point). I still review the Spanish Anki cards that I created from Assimil, but that's
the full extent of my current Spanish studies. My interest in Japanese has been
resurfacing, but I'm still staving it off for now as I'd rather have a higher Korean level first
before tackling Japanese. The only other language dabbling I've done is learning Cyrillic
since Russian is a language I would eventually like to learn (but not anytime soon).
Edited by Warp3 on 29 December 2014 at 12:23am
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 2 of 479 27 July 2011 at 4:50pm | IP Logged |
Now for something more current:
I started using Twitter a few weeks ago as a method to ensure I read more (by following various Korean celebrities), but I've recently noticed that I'm not *producing* Korean enough (or nearly at all). So, yesterday I decided to set a new rule for myself. I intend to make a minimum of one tweet per day in Korean. The topic, length, etc. aren't really relevant, as long as I at least post *something* each day in Korean. Yesterday I made my first shot at this with a tweet about the HVAC system not working at the office yesterday (fortunately it is today) and learned two new words in the process: 작동하다 (to operate, work) and 화씨 (Fahrenheit). My Twitter account is @warpthree and corrections to my Korean tweets are very welcome. (I should probably run my tweets through Lang-8 as well, but I haven't really taken the effort to start using that site yet.)
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The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5736 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 3 of 479 27 July 2011 at 9:54pm | IP Logged |
About damn time you started a language log.
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 4 of 479 27 July 2011 at 10:43pm | IP Logged |
The Real CZ wrote:
About damn time you started a language log. |
Nah, I figured I'd just keep hijacking yours. ;)
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 5 of 479 07 August 2011 at 2:27am | IP Logged |
Warp3 wrote:
I intend to make a minimum of one tweet per day in Korean. |
Well, so much for that plan. The day after I posted that we had a fire at the office where I work and my 5-day work week suddenly turned into a stressful 12-day work week...ugh. Thus, I haven't even visited Twitter in over a week, much less posted there.
Yesterday I finally started in on my ignored-for-a-week Anki reviews (had over 300 cards due for just the 한국어 deck alone) and then finally caught up this morning (except for the Spanish deck...which was already behind schedule at the time). The Cyrillic deck didn't take long (it's just a basic alphabet deck), but the Hanja deck took a while, too, since I'd added quite a few characters in the past month or so.
I kept watching Korean TV and listening to Korean music in the meantime, though, so at least I wasn't completely ignoring the language. (That's one of the advantages of following AJATT's "immerse yourself so well that it is inconvenient to do otherwise" stances. I don't watch TV or listen to music in anything but Korean now, so simply maintaining the status quo always includes at least some Korean in the course of my day, unless I simply don't listen to music or watch TV at all that day.)
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The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5736 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 6 of 479 17 August 2011 at 9:55pm | IP Logged |
I hope everything gets resolved soon man.
And yeah, the huge piles of Anki cards always made me want to quit using an SRS. When I finally had 1000 cards due that's when I had quit for the last time lol. It's just a soul crusher seeing that many cards being queued up for review.
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5622 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 7 of 479 21 August 2011 at 5:06pm | IP Logged |
Well, work is still hectic and I'm partway through moving, but I'm surviving. My Anki doesn't always get reviewed daily, but I do keep it somewhat caught up (exc. Spanish, which I'm still mostly ignoring), so I haven't gotten *too* far behind at any point (I think 300 or so was the highest I've hit). I'm also still watching Korean TV and listening to Korean music. Reading, writing, and actual study still haven't gotten much focus lately, though.
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Ymer Diglot Newbie Sweden Joined 4927 days ago 20 posts - 20 votes Speaks: Swedish*, English Studies: Korean
| Message 8 of 479 17 September 2011 at 8:06pm | IP Logged |
Whats going on? You two need to study more!
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