Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 321 of 479 19 January 2014 at 5:44pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 1월 12일 - 2014년 1월 18일):
Let's Speak Korean: 제144회-제146회
Scorched Earth Reading:
- 태진아 - 하얀 눈 (0 new words)
I didn't really intend to SE read this song. He started performing it recently (mid-
December) on the music shows and I noted it seemed far more repetitve than his usual
songs (oddly enough this one was written by his son 이루 who is also a singer), so I
looked up the lyrics to confirm my suspicions about the word count. (I did confirm my
suspicions, too. Even being *generous* with my word counting method, there are only
17 unique words in the whole song. If you ignore the "Merry Christmas" at the very end
and consider 눈 and 눈이 as the same word, then it drops to only 14.) However, in
doing so I read the whole song and confirmed there were no words or grammar points
that were new to me.
Since I'd already done my lyric SE reading this month, which would make the song above
irrelevant to my challenge, it got me thinking about the parameters of this challenge and
I've decided to alter them. Rather than 2 songs/month the challenge is now 24 songs for
the year. While this makes it easier to procrastinate, it also makes it easier to build a
pool of SE read songs early on to provide ample memorization candidates throughout the
year (which is something I'd been pondering anyway).
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on HTLAL and Twitter
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 16/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 3/24
Vocab 2 (SE read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 0/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 1/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 4/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 1/1
español (12/1/2014 - 18/1/2014):
- Lecciónes 56-60
- Episodios 13-16
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (which actually updated this week)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
I'm going to start claiming Twitter visits for Spanish as well now since I've started to
follow more Spanish language accounts over the past couple weeks.
Active Practice: Posts on HTLAL
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 60/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 16/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 4/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 1/1
Edited by Warp3 on 02 February 2014 at 3:26pm
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 322 of 479 26 January 2014 at 1:34pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 1월 19일 - 2014년 1월 25일):
Let's Speak Korean: 제147회-제149회
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 19/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 3/24
Vocab 2 (SE read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 0/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 1/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 5/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 1/1
español (19/1/2014 - 25/1/2014):
- Lecciónes 61-65
- Episodios 17-20
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (checked daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 65/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 20/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 5/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 1/1
I had to do some last minute rushing yesterday to get my foreign language posts in for
the week (since as of 10pm last night I had generated no posts in either language), so I
quickly made some posts on Twitter in each language to meet that goal (the first of which
was supposed to be directed at CZ, but I forgot to use the @name part...oops). In the
future, I need to make sure to make at least one post in each language much earlier in
the week, so that last minute rush isn't necessary.
Edited by Warp3 on 02 February 2014 at 3:27pm
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Stelle Bilingual Triglot Senior Member Canada tobefluent.com Joined 4225 days ago 949 posts - 1686 votes     Speaks: French*, English*, Spanish Studies: Tagalog
| Message 323 of 479 26 January 2014 at 2:16pm | IP Logged |
Writing really is the hardest thing to commit to, isn't it? It sounds like you're progressing well, though! I like your
idea of reading comics every day for quick reading practice.
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 324 of 479 26 January 2014 at 2:29pm | IP Logged |
Yes it does seem that way. For me I think it is mostly because I can never seem to figure
out what to write. That's partly why many of my posts have been replies to others rather
than anything new (especially on Twitter).
It seems to work well. I figured I read comics on the web daily anyway, so I may as well read
them in other languages (and for the Spanish ones I read the English version too so I have a
ready translation available). Speaking of comics, I just realized that today I read comic
#365 of 와라!평의점. Since I have been reading them daily, I've been reading that comic for
a straight year now!
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 325 of 479 02 February 2014 at 3:26pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2014년 1월 26일 - 2014년 2월 1일):
Let's Speak Korean: 제150회-제152회
Intensive Reading:
- TTMIK 이야기 제4회
I've revised my requirement for the TTMIK 이야기 portion of my TAC 2014 goals. Rather
than doing full-on "Scorched Earth" reading with them, I'm backing off to just Intensive
Reading. The difference? I'm still looking up any new words, grammar, etc., but
documenting them for entry into Anki is optional (and probably unlikely to happen). The
reason? 이야기 lessons are much longer than songs so SE reading them takes too much
time thus making me avoid the task altogether. With this change that goal is far more
tolerable and thus more likely to get done.
Extensive Reading:
- 와라!편의점 (read daily)
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
Grammar 1 (Extract grammar from SRS): DONE (65 cards)
Grammar 2 (Complete Let's Speak Korean 2부): 22/130
Grammar 3 (Complete Talk To Me In Korean): Not Started
Grammar 4 (Complete Survival Korean): Not Started
Grammar 5 (Complete SK: Basic Grammar): Not Started
Grammar 6 (Review Lonely Planet Phrasebook): Not Started
Grammar 7 (Review Using Korean): Not Started
Vocab 1 (SE read 24 songs): 3/24
Vocab 2 (INT read 1 TTMIK 이야기/month): 1/12
Production 1 (Memorize 1 song/month): 1/12
Production 2 (Write 2 posts/week): 6/52
Team Gumiho Challenges: 1/1
español (26/1/2014 - 1/2/2014):
- Lecciónes 66-70
- Episodios 21-24
Bilingual reading:
- Foxtrot en español (read daily)
- Dilbert en español (read daily)
- Calvin and Hobbes en español (read daily)
- XKCD en español (visited daily; read on the rare occasions that it updates)
Extensive Reading:
- Twitter (a few visits each week)
Active Practice: Posts on Twitter
General 1 (Find a "hook"): In Progress
Course 1 (Complete Pimsleur Spanish 1-4): 70/120
Course 2 (Complete Assimil Spanish With Ease): 0/109
Course 3 (Complete Destinos): 24/52
Production 1 (Writing practice): 6/52
Team Lobo Challenges: 1/1
Edited by Warp3 on 02 February 2014 at 3:28pm
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druckfehler Triglot Senior Member Germany Joined 4949 days ago 1181 posts - 1912 votes     Speaks: German*, EnglishC2, Korean Studies: Persian
| Message 326 of 479 02 February 2014 at 4:33pm | IP Logged |
I wouldn't think that you get more than 5-10 new words out of each Iyagi lesson, probably even less in many cases. The first few Iyagis are a bit deceiving - they started out more difficult than the later episodes. I don't think it will make such a big time difference whether you enter those words to Anki or not. But I can totally see how Anki is a pain anyway... I haven't really used it for about a year now for Korean.
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 327 of 479 02 February 2014 at 6:00pm | IP Logged |
True, but most songs now give me 1-2 words at most (and maybe a grammar form on rare
occasion) and are so much shorter that the whole task takes far less time even if the word
count were similar. That said, my queue of things to add to Anki has been climbing lately
anyway as I haven't actually added anything to Anki for a while now. I'm really on the verge
of simply no longer using Anki for vocabulary at all (rather than just keeping vocabulary
active for one year as was my latest change) and only using it for grammar and Hanja.
Implementing that change would make SE reading songs pretty much a thing of the past as
well (since I'd be reverting to intensive reading for those also at that point).
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5616 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 328 of 479 09 February 2014 at 4:28am | IP Logged |
요즘 SBS의 X맨에 완전 빠졌어요. 지난 2주동안 한국 TV보기중에 도전1000곡 1회밖에 X
맨만 봤네요.
Translation: Lately, I've been completely immersed in SBS's X-man. Except for one
episode of Challenge 1000 Songs I've only watched X-man during the last two weeks of
my Korean TV watching.
(For those of you that haven't seen it, X맨 is a variety show that ran from 2003-2006 on
SBS. It is rather interesting to see several well-known Korean celebrities as they were
about 10 years ago.)
Es sábado por la noche y una vez más necesito escribir algo en español antes del fin del
día. Debo comenzar a escribir estas entradas más temprano en la semana.
Translation: It is Saturday night and once again I need to write something in Spanish
before the end of the day. I should start writing these posts earlier in the week.
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