Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 249 of 479 24 March 2013 at 4:03pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 3월 17일 - 2013년 3월 23일):
New Hanja Cards: 2
New Korean Cards: 42
Extensive Reading:
- 와라! 편의점 (7 pages)
- a few visits to Twitter
- TTMIK 이야기 episodes 47 and 48 (5 passes of each)
Yes, I actually added SRS cards again this week. 만세!
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 250 of 479 31 March 2013 at 3:10pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 3월 24일 - 2013년 3월 30일):
New Hanja Cards: 6
Extensive Reading:
- 와라! 편의점 (7 pages)
- a few visits to Twitter
- TTMIK 이야기 episodes 49 and 50 (4 passes of each)
Something I've noticed lately (within the past few weeks) is that my interest in Japanese has dropped quite a lot lately (even more so than when I stopped actively studying it). In fact, I'm seriously considering suspending my 日本語 deck (and possibly even the Kana deck as well) since the language has just lost all interest for me now. I suspect it will come back at some point, but likely not in the near future. That said, I've also been considering (for quite a while now, before this recent drop in interest) going back and purchasing the other two parts of Pimsleur Japanese anyway, so at least I have the same edition of level 1 and Levels 2 and 3 (in case the program gets revised before I get back to Japanese).
Spanish, on the other hand, I'm still tempted to try to reignite and I find reviewing that deck somewhat fun. The Japanese deck is just starting to feel like busy work at this point (even though I haven't added anything to it since I stopped studying, so it's a very small review count and only takes a couple minutes per day at most). I'm also tempted to suspend the Russian Cyrillic deck for similar reasons. I only learned it on a hunch one day (nearly 2 years ago according to the deck stats) when I was kinda bored and I really have no intention of starting Russian (or any other Cyrillic based language) in the near future. (I would eventually like to learn Russian, but not yet since I have other languages on the hit list with higher priority.)
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 251 of 479 07 April 2013 at 6:44pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 3월 31일 - 2013년 4월 6일):
Extensive Reading:
- 와라! 편의점 (7 pages)
- a few visits to Twitter
- TTMIK 이야기 episodes 1 through 17 (1 pass of each)
As I mentioned last week, my interest level in Japanese has dropped to almost non-existent now. As such, this morning I exported my Kana and 日本語 decks into apkg files (with scheduling info) then deleted the decks from Anki. Some day my interest in Japanese may reignite, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 252 of 479 14 April 2013 at 4:21pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 4월 7일 - 2013년 4월 13일):
Extensive Reading:
- 와라! 편의점 (7 pages)
- a few visits to Twitter
- TTMIK 이야기 episodes 18 through 31 (1 pass of each)
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 253 of 479 21 April 2013 at 4:28pm | IP Logged |
한국어 (2013년 4월 14일 - 2013년 4월 20일):
New Hanja Cards: 12
New Korean Cards: 26
Extensive Reading:
- 와라! 편의점 (7 pages)
- a few visits to Twitter
- TTMIK 이야기 episodes 32 through 44 (1 pass of each)
I decided to check my deck totals again (since I hadn't done so in a while). I have 693 Hanja cards (so I should be able to easily hit 700 cards this coming week) and 4420 한국어 cards.
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yuhakko Tetraglot Senior Member FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4714 days ago 414 posts - 582 votes    Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin
| Message 254 of 479 21 April 2013 at 9:56pm | IP Logged |
Hey, I've been reading your log for quite some time and I can see you've done a lot of
progress! Your number of total cards on anki is also a proof of that.
I have wondering also how you put your hanja cards. I have made some a few times but I
just cannot feel satisfied. Everytime I feel like I could make some better ones that
could stick more easily. Considering you've got almost 700 now, I guess you found a good
way study hanja through Anki. Would you mind sharing how you do? Thanks!
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Warp3 Senior Member United States forum_posts.asp?TID= Joined 5617 days ago 1419 posts - 1766 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese
| Message 255 of 479 21 April 2013 at 10:33pm | IP Logged |
My primary reference for the data used to create the cards (readings, meanings, and examples) is "A Guide to Korean Characters" by Bruce K. Grant. If I see a character I want to learn (on TV, on a website, as part of the Hanja listing for a Sino-Korean word I lookup on Naver or Daum, etc.) I'll add it to a "Hanja Queue" text file (which I keep in my Dropbox for easy access) for later addition to my SRS.
When I add characters to my SRS, I either pull characters from the queue file (if there are any waiting) or I'll just continue through the book wherever I left off previously (the book is sorted by stroke count in ascending order and contains the roughly 1800 school-taught Hanja characters).
The fields I have on my "Hanja" card type are:
Character: This field contains the Chinese character itself. This is the only field that appears on the question side of the card.
Reading: This field contains the Korean pronunciation for this character. For the few characters that have multiple readings listed in AGTKC, all the readings are listed. For characters I learned while working on Japanese, a Japanese reading may also be listed, but I don't require myself to recall these to pass the card.
Meaning: This field contains the Korean meaning given in AGTKC, the Korean meaning given by the Windows IME (if different) and any English meanings given in AGTKC.
Examples: This field contains any example words listed in AGTKC plus any other examples that I know use this character which I feel are relevant. If this character is a simplified character (from Japanese studying) then it will usually contain Japanese example words instead.
Variants: This field was created when I started linking my Hanja studies to my Japanese studies. Characters that have both traditional and simplified forms will have the opposing character listed in this field.
Keyword: This field was also created while adding Japanese to the mix and contains either the keyword from either Heisig or Kanji Damage. Most cards do not have this field populated.
If a character is in my queue but not in the AGTKC book, I'll often still add it anyway (if I really want that character) but obviously have to get my readings, definitions and examples from elsewhere (usually from http://hanjadic.bravender.us/).
All my cards are passive only (Hanja character on question side) at the moment. To pass a card I must give all Korean readings (most characters have only one) and understand what the character means (producing the Korean meaning from the meaning field is a plus, but not required). In the past I had a stroke order field (and required getting the stroke order correct to pass) but I later dropped that requirement. My reason for dropping stroke order was both due to that starting to feel unnecessary (as stroke order starts to become obvious after a while) and because it took much longer to make cards that way (since I had to find and insert images of the stroke order for each character).
Here is an example that contains all but one field (keyword) and has some Japanese mixed in:
Character: 眞
Reading: 진; ま
Meaning: 참 (true, real; likeness)
Examples: 진심(眞心; one's true heart, sincerity); 사진(寫眞; photograph); 진정(眞正; genuineness); 真っ直ぐ「まっすぐ」
Variants: 真
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yuhakko Tetraglot Senior Member FranceRegistered users can see my Skype Name Joined 4714 days ago 414 posts - 582 votes    Speaks: French*, EnglishB2, EnglishC2, Spanish, Japanese Studies: Korean, Norwegian, Mandarin
| Message 256 of 479 24 April 2013 at 3:36pm | IP Logged |
I found the "A guide to Korean Characters" book on scribd today and it is exactly what I
had been looking for for a long time. Thank you for that!
Your way of doing your cards seems pretty effective so I'll try it out myself and tell
you later how it went. I'm actually quite psyched about it so I think I'll try it out
tomorrow as I should have some free time.
Anyway, thanks a lot for the explanation!
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