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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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United States
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1419 posts - 1766 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 185 of 479
26 August 2012 at 4:17pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 8월 19일- 2012년 8월 25일):

Hanja: 12
Lately I've started using a new source for Hanja which is characters that appear in the Kanji versions of Japanese words that Pimsleur has introduced that I don't yet have in Hanja form. One example is 私(わたし; I, me), which is 사 (private, personal) in Korean as in 사심(私心; selfishness, ulterior motive).

Korean cards: 40

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 6 pages of 노인과 바다

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 16-20

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization: Still working on 치치's Longer; still want to add another song to this, but haven't yet


日本語 (2012年 8月 19日 - 2012年 8月 25日):

Pimsleur to SRS:
- Lesson 27 (11 cards)

I read the section of "Japanese for Everyone" prior to Lesson 1 which covers various topics. I had skimmed this section before and noted it had some useful explanations in it, but hadn't actually read it until yesterday.

Due to my apparent resistance to actually start a textbook (partly due to lack of time lately), I'm considering switching back to something audio-based for now (either continuing with Pimsleur or trying Michel Thomas Japanese).


español (19/8/2012 - 25/8/2012):

No active study, but I'm still watching the previously mentioned Youtube gameplay videos regularly.

Edited by Warp3 on 26 August 2012 at 4:20pm

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 Message 186 of 479
02 September 2012 at 5:57pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 8월 26일- 2012년 9월 1일):

Hanja: 12
Like last week I've been heavily mining my Japanese deck (which is currently only populated with Pimsleur phrases) for Kanji which I'm adding to my Hanja deck. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to have both traditional and simplified characters in the same deck. Right now, I'm just putting them on the same card, but I may split them into separate cards at some point.

Korean cards: 10
I had a very disappointing run for Korean cards this week, mostly due to lack of time this past week. On the good side, my total deck size is at 4099 now (1 shy of another 100-card milestone).

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 3 pages of 노인과 바다

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 11 and 12 (5 passes of each)
Rather than do what I did the last two weeks (a single pass of a different 이야기 lesson each morning on the way to work), I opted to go for multiple passes of a smaller number of lessons this week and I also listened during my afternoon commute as well, doubling the number of listening passes.

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization: I've completed the first verse of 치치's Longer (already had the chorus full memorized long ago) and have gotten decent chunks of the second verse and bridge completed, but some of the faster sections of the second verse (which is the verse that is all rap) will take a while to produce at speed.


日本語 (2012年 8月 26日 - 2012年 9月 1日):

Pimsleur to SRS: None

I didn't really do much of anything other than SRS reviews and some immersion for Japanese this week.


español (26/8/2012 - 1/9/2012):

Not much of note in Spanish this week.


Overall this was a pretty disappointing week for language study, but it was also a busy week, so I didn't have much time. Hopefully I can utilize the labor day weekend to do much better this week.
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Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 187 of 479
09 September 2012 at 8:53pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 9월 2일- 2012년 9월 8일):

Hanja: 6
Still using my Japanese deck as my primary source for new Hanja.

Korean cards: 28

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 5 pages of 노인과 바다; some random reading on

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 13 and 14 (4 passes of each)

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization:
Continued work on 치치's Longer. I feel like I'm not making much progress on the second verse (the rap) and I wonder if this is partly due to the fact I don't have the lyrics memorized at all, much less at speed. Thus I'm thinking I either need to memorize them outside the song (as if it were a poem rather than a song) or work with a slowed down copy of the song for a while. Then once I've got all the words in my head I can work on speeding up my recall until it fits the speed of the song.

General Comments:
For a couple reasons, I've decided to drop my weekly TAC targets. The first reason is that I've simply been too busy with other things (mostly work) which is making hitting those targets difficult with what free time I have left. In addition, the sheer number of cards I've added this year has caused my review times to steadily climb which also affects my available time.

The second reason is that I've found that my motivation for adding cards has gradually changed over the course of the TAC. Recently it seems that my primary reason for mining words is to hit my weekly target rather than interest in the words themselves. Some of the more recent words aren't sticking very well, and I suspect that is a big part of the reason.

I still plan to add cards, I just don't plan to aim for any specific weekly goal when doing so. I'm also not positive I'll continue tracking how many I've gathered each week since I know I'll keep comparing them to my last used targets if I do.

Another change I plan to make with Korean is to switch my focus back toward grammar. I'm starting to run across too many sentences again where all the words make sense but the sentence as a whole does not click, often due to some grammar construction that I either don't know at all, am not familiar enough with yet, or confuse for another similarly spelled construction. In particular, it's time to stop confusing the 도록/토록/수록 set, since I can never seem to remember which one of those three has which meaning, so I need to solidify those in my head once and for all.


日本語 (2012年 9月 2日 - 2012年 9月 8日):

Pimsleur to SRS: Lesson 28 (21 cards)

Not much else of note with Japanese.


español (2/9/2012 - 8/9/2012):

Not much of note in Spanish this week.
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United States
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Speaks: English*
Studies: Spanish, Korean, Japanese

 Message 188 of 479
16 September 2012 at 5:01pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 9월 9일- 2012년 9월 15일):

Hanja: 16
8 of these cards were created by finally splitting my "multi-character" cards into separate cards. For example, 國 and 国 are now separate cards, rather than both appearing on the question side of the same card as they did before. I added a new "variants" field to which I add the alternate versions of these characters.

1 of the characters I added this week (沐) was from continuing the AGTKC book in stroke count order, the rest were all mined from my Pimsleur Japanese deck (and I still have tons more that I've mined from that deck waiting in a queue).

Korean cards: 15
I actually added more Hanja cards than 한국어 cards this week. Wow.

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 6 pages of 노인과 바다

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 15 and 16 (5 passes of each)

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization:
I've added verse 2 (the rap) and the bridge from 치치's "Longer" to a new SRS deck called Lyrics. The card layout is based on some results I found when searching for how people use SRS decks to learn poems. I also played around with some slowed down copies of the song, but I suspect learning the lyrics separately will be the primary boost I need to finish this song. Once I've learned the lyrics well, then I can work on speeding them up to match the speed of the song.


日本語 (2012年 9月 9日 - 2012年 9月 15日):

Pimsleur to SRS: none

Not much of note with Japanese this week.


español (9/9/2012 - 15/9/2012):

Not much of note in Spanish this week other than watching some Youtube videos. I had someone in the elevator at work ask me if I spoke any Spanish and I couldn't even come up with a simple Spanish reply in my head. {sigh}

Edited by Warp3 on 16 September 2012 at 5:02pm

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United States
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Speaks: English*
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 Message 189 of 479
23 September 2012 at 4:25pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 9월 16일- 2012년 9월 22일):

Hanja: 8

Korean cards: 13

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 3 pages of 노인과 바다

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 17 and 18 (5 passes of each)

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization:
Continuing to review the rap and bridge of 치치's Longer in my Lyrics SRS deck. Once I get more comfortable with them, I'll start focusing on matching it up with the music again.

General Comments:
Some of my counts were on the low side this week. However since this was such a ridiculously busy week at work (with several days that involved staying well into the late evening), I'm surprised my counts are as decent as they are.

Yesterday I watched the last episode of Coffee House, which makes it the 2nd K-drama I've actually watched till completion. Overall this has been one of the best K-dramas I've watched, so I'm glad I took CZ's recommendation to watch it.


日本語 (2012年 9月 16日 - 2012年 9月 22日):

Pimsleur to SRS: Lesson 29 (25 cards)


español (16/9/2012 - 22/9/2012):

Not much of note in Spanish this week other than watching some Youtube videos.
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 Message 190 of 479
30 September 2012 at 6:07pm | IP Logged 
한국어 (2012년 9월 23일- 2012년 9월 29일):

Hanja: 12

Korean cards: 18

"Survival Korean Vocabulary" Sections Completed: None

Scorched Earth Reading: None

Extensive Reading: 8 pages of 노인과 바다
I have only 3 1/4 pages left of this book. I'm not quite sure yet which book I plan to move onto next.

Listening: TTMIK 이야기 episodes 19 and 20 (5 passes of each)

Active Practice: none of note

Song Memorization:
Continuing to review the rap and bridge of 치치's Longer in my Lyrics SRS deck.


日本語 (2012年 9月 23日 - 2012年 9月 29日):

Pimsleur to SRS: Lesson 30 (24 cards)

My total count for this deck now is 413 cards, only 4 of which came from a source other than Pimsleur. I haven't really decided my next move for Japanese, though I've considered moving on with the remaining Pimsleur Japanese lessons rather than diving into textbooks yet.


español (23/9/2012 - 29/9/2012):

Not much of note in Spanish this week other than watching some Youtube videos.
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 Message 191 of 479
01 October 2012 at 11:40am | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
Extensive Reading: 8 pages of 노인과 바다
I have only 3 1/4 pages left of this book. I'm not quite sure yet which book I plan to move onto next.

Wow, you've read The Old Man and the Sea in Korean! Do you have more Korean books or are you thinking about what to buy? I thought The Little Prince was a nice read (not sure if you've already read that one), but maybe it wouldn't be challenging enough for you.
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 Message 192 of 479
03 October 2012 at 4:12am | IP Logged 
To clarify: I'm reading that as a bilingual book, not Korean only, and much of the Korean side still confuses the crap out of me. SISA English Corporation has a whole series of bilingual Korean/English books (mostly classic English literature) that are available quite inexpensively and this is one of the books in that series. The first book I read from that series was 어린 왕자 / The Little Prince, then 갈매기 존아단 / Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and now 노인과 바다 / The Old Man and the Sea.

I've got more books on hand I just have to figure out which one to dive into next. I have about 3 or 4 more of the SISA bilingual books, the first Hunger Games book (also bilingual), and a few Korean-only books. I will most likely stick with bilingual for now since reading bilingual books allows me to read anywhere with no extra resources (e.g., dictionaries) and still have no chance of getting lost in the story. Even stories like The Little Prince can be surprisingly confusing when trying to read only the Korean (though oddly enough I had a couple sections where the Korean text actually clarified a rare English word I'd never seen before and didn't quite get the meaning of at first), so I don't think I'd have gotten very far trying to read some of these same books in Korean-only form without burning out partway through.

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