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Warp3: Korean/Japanese (TAC 2015 東亞)

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 Message 73 of 479
04 February 2012 at 8:38pm | IP Logged 
I completed SKV's "5.5 Informing, Praising, Blaming, Consoling" section today. I added 9 words from that section, 2 cards to differentiate homonyms of words from that section, and 1 card from a song. (I've been noticing 매달다/매달리다 quite a bit lately, so I finally added it using NS유지's "마녀가 된 이유" for the source sentence.) That brings my weekly total to 38 which is 1 lower than my weekly target, but since I overshot by 2 last week (and was already on course before that), I'm still ahead by 1 card overall since I started the TAC challenge.

I also added the maximum 3 한자 cards today, bringing my weekly total to 8. That is better than my 7/week overall target, but still not up to the 11/week target I was aiming for to catch up to a 7/week average.

I've continued listening to 내 여자친구는 구미호 on my morning commute (half an episode per day, which takes about 30-35 min). I'm halfway through episode 4 now, if I recall correctly. I'm not catching nearly as much as I'd like, but I am catching quite a bit. Doing this has been very different from listening to other sources (in a good way), so I will likely rip the audio track from another drama once I near the end of this series. I've listened to some other ripped audio tracks before, but they were often from variety shows. Until I had only the audio to focus on, I didn't realize just how much of the audio track of a variety show consists of sound effects and laugh track. Other than occasional background music, dramas are pure dialog which is much easier to focus on.

Edited by Warp3 on 04 February 2012 at 8:41pm

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 Message 74 of 479
05 February 2012 at 9:10am | IP Logged 
I knew I had been approaching 3000 cards in my Anki 한국어 deck for a while now, but apparently yesterday's new cards finally breached that limit. My 한국어 deck (1.9 years old) now has 3003 cards in it (and since my cards are all unidirectional that is also 3003 facts). Had I been more consistent with adding cards during that time, it would have quite a bit more by now, but I've also done some pruning during that time as well.


Overall TAC Progress:

I'm quite satisfied with my progress thus far in the Hanja, Vocabulary and Listening categories (though I could still do more in the Listening category). I'm mostly on pace with adding Hanja and vocab to my SRS (and actually ahead on the latter). I've increased my listening practice compared to what I was doing pre-TAC (only re-watching shows in unsubbed format (when possible), listening to K-drama audio in the car, paying more attention to the MC dialogs during music shows, etc.), though I still find myself being too passive while listening. Active listening picks up a lot more detail, but requires a lot more concentration and focus.

Reading, Writing, and Speaking I've been a bit lax with however, so I need to start working on those much more. I have done some new reading, such as those two bilingual children's books, but I've also slacked off on other reading (like keeping up with my Twitter feed). Speaking I haven't really done much of anything on, other than my own internal dialogs. I've done some writing, but not nearly enough.
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 Message 75 of 479
06 February 2012 at 7:24pm | IP Logged 
I don't know if it is due to my Hanja goal changes or something else, but the last 3 days I've not only added 3 cards each day (I'm off work today, so I'm allowing it to have the weekend's 3/day maximum, rather than the weekday maximum of 2), but I actually had to resist the urge to add "just one more card" today. I've also yet to miss a day of my "minimum 1 card/day" rule. Hopefully this is a sign of a new baseline, rather than just a brief boost from the rule change.

I also added vocab cards yesterday, but I've decided to list those once-per-week going forward, rather than regale you with my boring card count tales on a daily basis. ㅋㅋㅋ
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 Message 76 of 479
12 February 2012 at 5:16am | IP Logged 
I added 10 Hanja cards this week (and didn't miss any days on my "1 minimum per day" rule either, nor did I exceed any daily maximums). I also added a total of 39 cards to my SRS (from a wide variety of sources).

Completed SKV sections:
- 8.1 Families (B only; 8 cards)
- 19.3 Motion (B only; 6 cards)

Completed song lyrics:
- T-ara - 거짓말 (2.5 cards)
- A-pink - 몰라요 (1.5 cards)
(Actually, I added 3 cards from 거짓말, but one was a usage of 놓다 that I hadn't really paid attention to before (to let go of). That same usage also appears in 몰라요 (in the contracted 놔 form), so I gave 0.5 word credit to each song and listed both in the source field.)

Memorized songs:
- 다비치 - 사랑 사랑아
- T-ara - Cry Cry
(My definition of "memorized" for song lyrics requires that: (a) I can recite the entire song from memory and (b) I can recite them at speed along with the song when not distracted.)

On the topic of song memorization, I've noticed that memorizing each line of a song goes in phases. Phase 1 is when you've memorized a line, but can't recall it at the speed necessary to keep up with the music. Phase 2 is when you can recall it at speed, but only when paying full attention. Phase 3 is when you are somewhat distracted yet can still sing with that part simply due to practice. Most of the lines from the two songs listed above are solidly phase 3 (and not just when using the slower ballad version of Cry Cry), but a few lines in each still require attention to reproduce at speed.

The sad part is that the first Korean song I ever actively tried to memorize (Kara's Wanna) never actually got completed. I had memorized all but two lines of the song (one line from each verse) but just finally gave up as it was quite frustrating. Now, for a song I like, I can have half or more of it memorized just from watching the stage performances from comeback stage to goodbye stage as they air (which I've done with several songs in the past year, often without even trying). The language just feels so much more natural now than it did back then, which has made memorization of songs exponentially easier. I need to re-attack the earlier songs I tried to memorize and finish them off. The two that come to mind that I got the closest to completing in the past are both Kara songs: Wanna and Lupin.

Edited by Warp3 on 12 February 2012 at 5:20am

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 Message 77 of 479
14 February 2012 at 10:42pm | IP Logged 
I've made a slight tweak to my listening schedule for the drama rip. Half an episode per day was working, but took nearly my entire commute to work (and a few times did take the entire commute to work), so after thinking about it some, I've backed down to 1/3 episode per day (about 22 min). This means I progress through the show a bit slower, but I get more time to listen to other things on my commute (including the songs for which I'm actively working to memorize the lyrics).
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 Message 78 of 479
19 February 2012 at 2:58am | IP Logged 
This week I added 9 Hanja cards (with no missed "1 minimum" days) and 40 Korean vocab cards. However I didn't get as many chances as normal to add vocab this week, so 20 of those vocab cards were added today.

Completed SKV sections:
- 8.1 Families (5 cards)(I finished the "B" words last week so only "C" words were left)

Completed song lyrics:
- T-ara - 왜 이러니? (2 cards)

The count for "왜 이러니?" was a bit less than expected, but I've looked up a few words from that song previously as they caught my attention, so I guess there wasn't really much left to extract from it.
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 Message 79 of 479
26 February 2012 at 3:20pm | IP Logged 
2012年 2月 19日부터 2012年 2月 25日까지:

Hanja cards: 7 (done as exactly 1 per day)

한국어 cards: 37
This is slightly under target, but given this was a very busy week, I'm fine with that.

Completed SKV sections: none
This was due to the fact that most of my vocab was from TV or song lyrics this week.

Completed song lyrics: Kara - Mister (10 cards added)

Memorized songs: Kara - Wanna
This means that the first Korean song I ever tried to memorize (about 2 years ago) and eventually gave up on is now finally complete...만세! This song is not very difficult to memorize as there aren't many Korean lyrics in it and there is a ton of repetition, but the lyrics are recited so quickly in the song that it makes it very difficult to recall at speed. In retrospect, this should never have been my first attempt at memorizing a song back then due to this fact. The first songs I memorized when I started back on this were both ballads and were thus significantly easier to recall at speed.

I've been working on memorizing other songs as well (I've been working on about 3-4 at a time), and I'm *really* close on A-pink's 몰라요. In fact, I have only the rap left (which I've memorized, but can't yet recall at speed) and it will be flagged as complete.

I've continued listening to 내 여자친구는 구미호 at a rate of 1/3 episode per day (about 20-22 min per day) and I believe I'm partway through episode 10 now. Another listening related task I intend to start soon is watching a drama (I haven't decided whether it will be a rewatch or one I haven't yet seen) unsubbed. I've watched plenty of unsubbed shows, but they have been mostly variety and music shows, which have very different dialog than dramas tend to have. If it is an unwatched drama, then I will probably do what I did with T-ara Dreamgirls and rewatched it subbed afterward (which helped greatly at clarifying several of the points I missed or misinterpreted from that series).

Speaking of T-ara Dreamgirls, I now see what CZ means when he said some of the subbed dialog was apparently re-translated from Chinese subs rather than coming directly from Korean. I watched the final episode subbed the other day, and in the on-screen text translations, they frequently translated the name of the congresswoman as an obviously Chinese name rather than simply a romanization of her Korean name like the audio translation used. So apparently they had a Korean translator doing the dialog and a Chinese subber doing the on-screen text. That may explain why some of the on-screen text translations during this show (not just this episode) have been either wrong or very unnatural.

Edited by Warp3 on 26 February 2012 at 3:22pm

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 Message 80 of 479
26 February 2012 at 5:54pm | IP Logged 
Warp3 wrote:
I also tried to listen to the audio for "How The Fox Got His Color" (available from the author's website) on the way home today, but the volume was so quiet that even cranking the volume all the way up on both the MP3 player and the car stereo didn't make it audible enough. I'll try to amplify it with Audacity, but if that doesn't work, I'll have to just write that part off as a lost cause.

I was curious about the children's books you read, so I checked out the audio. Amplifying that is really not worth your time. The guy who reads the story has a really strong accent, he's definitely not Korean. You could try the Naver Children's Book Videos. Most of them have subtitles and there are some without annoying background music.

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