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Super Challenge discussion thread 2014

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Solfrid Cristin
Winner TAC 2011 & 2012
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Speaks: Norwegian*, Spanish, Swedish, French, English, German, Italian
Studies: Russian

 Message 57 of 432
29 January 2014 at 6:50am | IP Logged 
YnEoS wrote:
I'm a beginner and I've never participated in one of these before, and I would really love to
try to use this to push myself to reach a semi-comfortable reading level in Russian. I don't think I'll be ready
to dive right into books come May, but I have a number of intermediate resources to use aimed at helping
learners get through pieces of Russian literature with the aid of various supplements such as definitions for
difficult vocabulary, and contextualizing discussion between passages. Would I be able to count these
towards my books read, so long as I adjust it to reflect the actual amount of Russian content I've read? (IE:
only count the pages with reading passages, if a reading passage is broken up by English notes count it as
half a page, etc.)

Yes, you can :-)
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Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 58 of 432
29 January 2014 at 10:34am | IP Logged 
Try Ilya Frank's method, parallel texts and easy books :-) You can also do GLOSS lessons - 30-40 lessons is roughly one book. And don't forget that rereading counts, so that if you have half a page worth of text and read it twice, it counts as a full page.
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 Message 59 of 432
29 January 2014 at 10:50am | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
And don't forget that rereading counts, so that if you have half a page worth of text and read it twice, it counts as a full page.

Wow. I had no idea. I must have done almost two SCs then... :)
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Czech Republic
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 Message 60 of 432
29 January 2014 at 5:06pm | IP Logged 
I know, Serpent, I didn't intend to present it as my and brand new idea, sorry if it looked like I did.

I think the stars can actually solve both situations that are likely to come up:
1.The standard Super Challenge will be too big for some people, especially people with more SCs going on, so everyone can aim for as many stars as they wish in order to make it more managable.
2.The standard Super Challenge will be smaller, so some of us can use the amount of stars to aim for as a way to enlarge it and make it challenging again.

That way, it wouldn't matter that much whether 50/50 or 100/100 will be chosen anymore. And it may be more practical, especially should the 50/50 be chosen, to have a star for every 25.
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Speaks: Portuguese*, Norwegian, French, English, Italian, Papiamento
Studies: Mandarin, Georgian, Russian

 Message 61 of 432
29 January 2014 at 10:03pm | IP Logged 
I always thought a Super Challenge was something out of my reality, because I believe I
don't have that much time to dedicate to 1 single language. But given what I've been
doing with French. I may consider joining it for either French or Norwegian. As a
matter of fact, I don't think i'd have 10.000 in Norwegian to read, or it would be too
expensive =D. My French is already at B2 or C1, but since there's no other language I
could do now and since I'm going to keep my routine of reading 20 pages a day, here are
my thoughts (cross-posting from 'How to Read 100 Books':

So, is there going to start a new super challenge in May?

The way I work with French, I read 20 pages a day Mon-Fr.I can't take more than that
due to other learning activities, and it's ok, actually it's a bit tiresome sometimes
because it is one of my longest daily activities. Considering a month of 22 workdays
(well, holidays also count, I only really exclude saturday and sunday), I'd read 440
pages a month and thus 8800 pages in 20 months. Considering that 100 pages account for
a book at Super Challenge rules, I'd read 88 books in the Super Challenge time. I don't
really think I can take more than that for one language without jepardizing my other
activities. Ah, I also do 10 pages a day with German. All in all, reading is important
but, right now, I wouldn't take, for example, 10 minutes of listening to Norwegian so
that I'd read in a third language. I don't know what will happen the day I start
reading in all of my languages. Suppose I'll have 10 pages x 8 languages a day. That
can be really mind-boggling. I'd like to hear on experienced super-challengers on this.
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United Kingdom
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Speaks: English*, German, Italian, SpanishB2, FrenchB2
Studies: Arabic (Egyptian), Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Polish, Persian, Vietnamese
Studies: Urdu

 Message 62 of 432
29 January 2014 at 11:41pm | IP Logged 
What does Phil (Surrealix) say he can do with the bot?

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Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 63 of 432
30 January 2014 at 12:08am | IP Logged 
Well, I'll be going for the minimal requirement in Spanish, Finnish, Belarusian and Croatian :) Seems like it will be 2500 pages/1 star, which I'm fine with. later I might choose one of these to do one more reading star, not sure (Croatian would benefit most, but it's also harder to get books). Maybe I'll do Swedish as well.

idk about 10 pages x 8 languages a day, this generally doesn't seem like a good idea to me. very little flow. (i also mentioned this when you wrote about reading 2 pages a day in Papiamento) I think it's good to have a low-pressure minimum and many peaks.

As I said, this challenge totally pwn'ed my life. But if you vary your strategy it's fun to focus so much on reading, and it certainly helped activate my knowledge of the languages I knew passively from LR and football.

I think some important components for doing multiple challenges are LR (off the top of my head I can remember doing Italian-Polish, Danish-German, Danish-Italian, Romanian-Italian, German-Swiss German (Hochdeutsch audio) and a tiny bit of Romanian-Polish), 6WC/Tadoku for getting into the flow with specific languages, and trips are great if possible. I also started to fill most of my "dead time" by reading. And it's important to read some long books I think.

Don't forget that audio-only challenges are also an option :) I got 94/100 in Danish and completed the rest of my audio parts (50/50 in German, probably 100/50 in Polish - definitely over 70/50).

Rereading counts, (@patrickwilken - if it counts next week why shouldn't it count within the same minute?) bookdepository ships for free, there are public domain books... and you'll save a lot if you get 2-3 huge books ;)
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Russian Federation
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9753 posts - 15779 votes 
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Speaks: Russian*, English, FinnishC1, Latin, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Studies: Danish, Romanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Slovenian, Catalan, Czech, Galician, Dutch, Swedish

 Message 64 of 432
30 January 2014 at 12:44am | IP Logged 
maydayayday wrote:
What does Phil (Surrealix) say he can do with the bot?
Here is the latest post from him. As far as I understand, everything that can be formalized and assigned values should be no problem to implement.

It seems like everyone wants the stars, which is great. I think the major question right now is whether we'll have standard goals/what to display in the "recommended pace for meeting your goals" part. I think it makes sense to limit it to the coming 6 months and display the amount you need to read/watch in order to get one more star within this period of time. A custom calculator would be time-consuming to make (though not difficult per se I think), and well we all have calculators anyway so this seems like overkill. But I wouldn't want to lose this feature (de facto or completely) just because other people will be aiming for more (and some of them will still do less than me even in my lowest priority language).

edit: also, if we specify our levels, I'd like the option to leave it blank. I think it matters mostly when you're in the A-range or C-range, so somewhere between B1- and B2+ is the default.

Edited by Serpent on 30 January 2014 at 6:56am

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