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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1065 of 1549 05 February 2012 at 7:46pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Szerencsére a másik oldalon volt, ezért Terry gyorsan a csónakhoz futott. Az ember
meglátta Terryt és kiabált valamit a külföldi nyelven és egy másik ember
is ránézett Terryre. Terry azonnal megpróbálta felemelni a csónakot, de
túl nehéz volt neki is.
A másik oldalon volt? Ki? Kihez képest a másik oldalon? |
Terryhez és Stefanhoz voltak (a veszélyes emberek) a másik oldalon. |
Értem, de ez így nem jó. Döntsük el melyik oldal melyik és aztán ezen ne változtassunk
közben, mert az egész zavaros lesz. Ha EZEN az oldalon vagyunk, akkor a szemben lévő
oldal a MÁSIK, s nem lehet, hogy hirtelen a mi oldalunk lesz a MÁSIK, ugye érted?
Terry és Stefan tehát EZEN az oldalon voltak, mely oldal a másik a "veszélyes emberek"
oldalához képest. Ilyenkor használd a "szemben" szót!
De ez nem nyelvi kérdés, ez logikai kérdés. Angolul sem mondhatod így szerintem.
Angolul is azt fogod mondani ilyenkor, hogy "opposite side" és nem "other side", igaz?
Azt hiszem, hogy értem, de angolul mondhatom "They were on the other side (of the
river)". Mondhatom is "They were on the opposite side", de az angolok általában
mondják "the other side". Ebben az esetben (sok más esetben is) úgy látszik, hogy
magyar sokkal pontosabb.
S ha készen vagy, nézd meg ezt a
honlapot, s csináld végig a feladványokat - angolul van, szóval neked könnyebb lesz (én
is megcsináltam, még tavaly, de nekem a szavak 10 %-a ismeretlen volt, így kellett
szótárt is használnom közben). Nagyon érdekes és tanulságos!
Edited by maxval on 05 February 2012 at 7:51pm
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1066 of 1549 05 February 2012 at 8:42pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Hogyan jutott át a kutya?
Elolvastam azt egyszer és le kellett fordítanom pár szót, de nekem kell több idő.
I'll print it out and analyze is some more. I have many of these types of puzzles too, I use them a lot in my classes. I'll write some out for you in Hungarian soon.
Here's one for you to work on, maybe you've heard it before.
A man went on holiday on Friday, he stayed for three days and then went back on Friday. How is this possible?
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1067 of 1549 05 February 2012 at 8:59pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
A man went on holiday on Friday, he stayed for three days and then went
back on Friday. How is this possible? |
I suppose he has crossed the International Data Line or something like that. The key to
the solution is the definition of "day".
The other possibility is that one of the words is not used as normally, so there is a
linguistic trick: "Friday" is not a days name, but something else, like the person whose
name was Friday in Robinson Crusoe. But is there a car, plane, ship named "Friday"? He
went on holiday on a ship named Friday?
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1068 of 1549 05 February 2012 at 9:06pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
A man went on holiday on Friday, he stayed for three days and then went
back on Friday. How is this possible? |
I suppose he has crossed the International Data Line or something like that. The key to
the solution is the definition of "day".
The other possibility is that one of the words is not used as normally, so there is a
linguistic trick: "Friday" is not a days name, but something else, like the person whose
name was Friday in Robinson Crusoe. But is there a car, plane, ship named "Friday"? He
went on holiday on a ship named Friday?
He didn't cross the International Data Line or anything like that.
You're almost right with the second sentence, it was a horse called Friday though. :))
Another for you -
A man finds two dead bodies on a concrete patio outside a house. There is also glass and water around the bodies and there is an open window nearby. What happened?
Edited by hribecek on 05 February 2012 at 9:08pm
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1069 of 1549 05 February 2012 at 9:31pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
A man finds two dead bodies on a concrete patio outside a house. There is also glass and
water around the bodies and there is an open window nearby. What happened? |
This is very easy, it took less than 1 minute to figure out the solution.
Two men/women were drinking water in cups made from glass, while looking from the window
into the patio. Then there an accident happened, and the men/women with the cups in their
hands fell from the window to the patio and died.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1070 of 1549 06 February 2012 at 11:51am | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
A man finds two dead bodies on a concrete patio outside a house. There is also glass and
water around the bodies and there is an open window nearby. What happened? |
This is very easy, it took less than 1 minute to figure out the solution.
Two men/women were drinking water in cups made from glass, while looking from the window
into the patio. Then there an accident happened, and the men/women with the cups in their
hands fell from the window to the patio and died. |
Nincs igazad!! :)))
Igazad van, hogy valami/valaki kiesett az ablakból. A testek nem olyan nagyok, mint az üveg mennyisége.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1071 of 1549 07 February 2012 at 2:24pm | IP Logged |
Szóval, meg próbálom oldani a feladványodat.
Mondtad, hogy el kell olvasnom minden szót nagyon figyelmesen, de pár szóben nem vagyok benne biztos, hogy értem-e.
levő forrásig
Azt hiszem, hogy ezeket a szavakat értem a helyzet szerint, de abban az esetben, hogy hibát csinálok, le tudnod fordítani?
És már megoldottad az én feladványomat? A legfontosabb szó a feladványom "test".
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1072 of 1549 07 February 2012 at 2:51pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
levő forrásig
Sorry, it is kÉptelen, I misspelled the word.
tellne - conditional from tellik, it was used here as "órákba tellne" - "it would take
levő (OR lévő) is "being"
forrás = "source"
"a folyó nem messze lévő forrása" = "the source of the river being not far" / "the
source of the river that is not far"
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