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Hungarian - January challenge thread

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 Message 609 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 2:32pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:

Please put into imperative the following indicative sentences:

1. Olvassa a könyvet.

2. Nézlek téged.

3. Edzed a tested.

4. Keresi a kutyáját.

5. Osztod a kártyát.

6. Tanítod a gyereket.

7. Látlak téged.

8. Elrontod a számítógépet.

9. Megbocsátasz neki.

10. Fested ezt a képet.

11. Keresed a levelet.

12. Megbocsátod a hibát.

13. Este lefekszel az ágyba.

14. Emlékszik rám.

15. Reggel mindig megfürdesz.

16. Nagyot ugrasz.

17. Örvénylik a víz.

18. Ajánlom ezt a könyvet.

19. Megeszed a hamburgert.

20. Nem haragszol Maxvalra.

And dont be angry. Some of these exercises will be hard even for native speakers, tbey will solve it, but will think in a few cases!

I'm the opposite of angry! I love tests like these, thanks!

1. Olvassa a könyvet. - Olvassa a könyvet (Isn't the first sentence also an imperative?!)

2. Nézlek téged. - Nézzelek téged

3. Edzed a tested. - Eddzed a tested (this one's tough!)

4. Keresi a kutyáját. - keresse a kutyáját

5. Osztod a kártyát. - Osszad a kártyát (also difficult!)

6. Tanítod a gyereket. - Tanítsad a gyereket

7. Látlak téged. - Lássalak téged

8. Elrontod a számítógépet. - Rontsad el a számítógépet

9. Megbocsátasz neki. - Bocsáss meg neki

10. Fested ezt a képet. - Fesd ezt a képet

11. Keresed a levelet. - Keresd a levelet

12. Megbocsátod a hibát. - Bocsásd meg a hibát

13. Este lefekszel az ágyba. - Este feküdj le az ágyba

14. Emlékszik rám. - emlékesszen rám (difficult!)

15. Reggel mindig megfürdesz. - Reggel mindig fürödj meg

16. Nagyot ugrasz. - Nagyot ugorj (difficult!)

17. Örvénylik a víz. - Örvényeljen/e a víz. (I don't understand this sentence)

18. Ajánlom ezt a könyvet. - Ajánoljam ezt a könyvet.

19. Megeszed a hamburgert. - Edd meg a hamburgert

20. Nem haragszol Maxvalra. - Ne haragudj Maxvalra.

So some I have no idea and just guessed, others I remember quite well because I've been studying them this week and others I'm not sure if I remembered them correctly. I also don't know what 5, 8 and 17 mean.

Thanks though, it was fun trying.

Edited by hribecek on 18 May 2011 at 2:39pm

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 Message 610 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 2:38pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:

Válasszátok az életeiteket jól. – grammatically correct, but funny, what did you want to say?

Literally - Choose your lives well!

It sounds a bit silly in English too because obviously you don't really choose your lives. In the last paragraph with the group of old students I chose a better sentence - choose your lifestyle well.
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 Message 611 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 3:21pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

1. Olvassa a könyvet. - Olvassa a könyvet (Isn't the first sentence also an imperative?!)

No, the first was indicative. Simply its a case of homonimy!

There is a regular homonimy between indicative and imperative in the following cases:
- 3rd person, singular, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem csinálja" / "ne csinálja"
- 1st person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem csináljuk" / "ne csináljuk"
- 2nd person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem csináljátok" / "ne csináljátok"
- 3rd person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem csinálják" / "ne csinálják"
- 1st person, plural, definite conjugation, front vowel harmony - "nem beszéljük" / "ne beszéljük".

There is no homynimy only in case of verbs whose stem ends in -t!

- 3rd person, singular, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem bántja" / "ne bántsa"
- 1st person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem bántjuk" / "ne bántsuk"
- 2nd person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem bántjátok" / "ne bántsátok"
- 3rd person, plural, definite conjugation, back vowel harmony - "nem bántják" / "ne bántsák"
- 1st person, plural, definite conjugation, front vowel harmony - "nem értjük" / "ne értsük".

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 Message 612 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 3:23pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

3. Edzed a tested. - Eddzed a tested (this one's tough!)

Yes. And how is it using the short form of the imperative?
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 Message 613 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 3:25pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

8. Elrontod a számítógépet. - Rontsad el a számítógépet

Please tell me the short form too!
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 Message 614 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 3:41pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

17. Örvénylik a víz. - Örvényeljen/e a víz. (I don't understand this sentence)

Itt can be also "örvényljen".
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 Message 615 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 3:43pm | IP Logged 
Amazing! You have a score of 18/20!

Only two errors:
hribecek wrote:

14. Emlékszik rám. - emlékesszen rám (difficult!)

18. Ajánlom ezt a könyvet. - Ajánoljam ezt a könyvet.

It is "emlékezzen" and "ajánljam".

Will explain in a new posting.

Edited by maxval on 18 May 2011 at 3:43pm

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 Message 616 of 1549
18 May 2011 at 4:01pm | IP Logged 
It seems that you know very well all the forms!

There are the following verb categories in imperative:

1. Verbs whose stem ends in a letter other than -dz / -s / -sz / -z / -t
2. Verbs ending in -dz
3. Verbs ending in -z
4. Verbs ending in -sz
5. Verbs ending in -s
6. Verbs ending in a long vowel and "t" (exception: lát, bocsát) or ending in two consonants, when the last one is "t" and first one is not "s" or "sz"
7. Verbs ending in a short vowel and "t" and verbs lát and bocsát
8. Verbs ending in -szt
9. Verbs ending in -st

However there are verbs with multiple stems too!
There are 3 main categories:

1. Verbs having two stems, the dictionaery form is with "sz", but there is another stem with a vowel + "d" or with "d" instead of the "sz". The imperative is formed always using the "d" stem! Example: "alsz"(ik) - "alud".
There are 19 such verbs, if you wish, I will list them.

2. Verbs having two stems, one with "sz", and another with vowel + "z". Imperative is always with the "z" stem. Only 3 such words: emlékszik, igyekszik, szándékszik - emlékezik, igyekezik, szándékozik.

3. Verbs with stems ending in two different consonants that add a vowel between the two consonants to their imperative forms where the ending begins with a consonant (the added vowel depends on the vowel harmony type of the stem). The problem here is the following: some of these verbs sometimes have double behaviour: they can add endings to their second stem, but they can add endings to their primary, dictionary stem too. There is no clear, general rule which verbs can be conjugated both with their primary and secondary stems, and which ones only with their secondary stems.

The following verbs are here:
- Verbs whose stem ends in -d.
- Verbs whose stem ends in -r.
- Some of the verbs whose stem ends in -l:
-- all verbs whose stem ends in -nl, -tl, -zsl,
-- some of the verbs ending in z - there are about 20 such verbs, I can give you the full list, if you wish.
-- some other verbs, about 25 verbs, I can give you the full list too.

And dont forget about the 9 verbs with irregular endings in imperative!
eszik, hisz, iszik, jön, lesz, megy, tesz, vesz, visz

And also dont forget the verb "van" has no imperative, the verb "lesz" is used instead.

Edited by maxval on 18 May 2011 at 4:04pm

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