hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 521 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 11:56am | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
This is an error you make many times:
"A fiúk pár perce várnak" and "A fiúk pár percig várnak" are NOT the same, they mean different things.
"A fiúk pár perce várnak" - The boys have waited (been waiting) for (since) a few minutes
"A fiúk pár percig várnak" - The boys wait (are waiting) a few minutes
I've briefly studied this difference before but I really get it now thanks to your explanation, thanks! I understand the 'oda ment pár napRA' form and meaning better because Czech also has a form like this.
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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 522 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 12:00pm | IP Logged |
Please could explain this form.
Literally is it 'to us already we end' or 'to us already our end'?
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 523 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 12:41pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Bölcsöde – I don’t know this in English, it is like a kindergarten, but for children under 3 years
Nursery. |
Yes! :-)
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 524 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 12:43pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
This is an error you make many times:
"A fiúk pár perce várnak" and "A fiúk pár percig várnak" are NOT the same, they mean different things.
"A fiúk pár perce várnak" - The boys have waited (been waiting) for (since) a few minutes
"A fiúk pár percig várnak" - The boys wait (are waiting) a few minutes
I've briefly studied this difference before but I really get it now thanks to your explanation, thanks! I understand the 'oda ment pár napRA' form and meaning better because Czech also has a form like this. |
Yes, "odament pár napra" and "odament pár napja" are completely different things.
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 525 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 12:44pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
Please could explain this form.
Literally is it 'to us already we end' or 'to us already our end'? |
Something like "it is finished for us" or "we are finished" or "this is our end".
This is the same genetic structure that I have just explained to Kisfröccs. It can be translated literally as "we have end".
Edited by maxval on 29 April 2011 at 12:46pm
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Kisfroccs Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member Switzerland Joined 5492 days ago 388 posts - 549 votes    Speaks: French*, German*, EnglishC1, Swiss-German, Hungarian Studies: Italian, Serbo-Croatian
| Message 526 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 4:49pm | IP Logged |
1)Nekünk ikreink van.
2)Feleségemnek nincs testvérei.
3)Szüleimnekt nagy kerte van.
4)Amerikaiak sok pénze van.
5)Nekem nincs autóm.
6)Kovácséknek nagy háza van.
7)A lánynak szép ruhai van.
8)A gyerekeknek piros madarái van.
9)A szobáknak nincs ablakai.
10)A hivatalnokoknak sok ideje van.
Many thx !
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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 527 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 5:13pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
Please could explain this form.
Literally is it 'to us already we end' or 'to us already our end'? |
Something like "it is finished for us" or "we are finished" or "this is our end".
This is the same genetic structure that I have just explained to Kisfröccs. It can be translated literally as "we have end".
Thanks. I understood the genitive side of it, but 'végünk' confused me because I thought it was a verb form meaning 'we finish'. Right now I've just realised that the verb has a 'z' in it anyway, so I was being a bit slow, sorry!
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 528 of 1549 29 April 2011 at 5:21pm | IP Logged |
Kisfroccs wrote:
1)Nekünk ikreink van.
2)Feleségemnek nincs testvérei.
3)Szüleimnekt nagy kerte van.
4)Amerikaiak sok pénze van.
5)Nekem nincs autóm.
6)Kovácséknek nagy háza van.
7)A lánynak szép ruhai van.
8)A gyerekeknek piros madarái van.
9)A szobáknak nincs ablakai.
10)A hivatalnokoknak sok ideje van.
Many thx !
Kisfröccs |
1)Nekünk ikreink vannak.
2)Feleségemnek nincsenek testvérei.
3)Szüleimnek nagy kertje van.
4)Amerikaiaknak sok pénzük van.
5)Nekem nincs autóm.
6)Kovácséknek nagy házuk van.
7)A lánynak szép ruhái vannak.
8)A gyerekeknek piros madaraik vannak.
9)A szobáknak nincs ablaka. / A szobáknak nincsenek ablakaik.
10)A hivatalnokoknak sok idejük van.
Note that the verb is in singular or plural depending on the posession, not on the posessor!
Nekem piros számítógépem van.
Nekünk piros számítógépünk van.
Nekem piros számítógépeim vannak.
Nekünk piros számítógépeink vannak.
The possesive ending of the posession depends on:
- whether the posession is singular or plural,
- and the number and person of the posessor.
There are some exceptions, when singular is used for plural posession, and even when plural is used for singular. Now I have no time to explain. Will make a new posting tomorrow about these special cases.
Edited by maxval on 29 April 2011 at 5:24pm
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