maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 441 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 3:39pm | IP Logged |
Laurent616 wrote:
maxval wrote:
Laurent616 wrote:
Szerintem valami nagyon nehéz a magyar nyelv tanulásanak az, hogy a magyarok nagyon sok szavakat használnak, sok szinonimák is és több szógyűjtést tanulni kell, mint más nyelvekben... ez csak az én véleményem ;))
Szerintem tévedsz. Szerintem a legtöbb rokonértelmű szó az angolban van, több, mint a magyarban. |
Tényleg ? Nem tudom... azt mondtam, ez csak az én érzésem... De tudod, amikor tanultam angolul, csak egy év után tudtam a nyelvet nagyon jó megérteni. 2009-től tanulok magyarul és csak most kezdem érteni a tévét, az újságokat... |
Kérdeznék valamit tőled. Belgiumban minden francia anyanyelvű belga beszél hollandul? S minden holland anyanyelvű belga beszél franciául? Jól beszélnek vagy csak egy kicsit? Olyan is van, aki egyáltalán nem beszéli a hollandot vagy a franciát?
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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 442 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 3:41pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Bulgarian, the only Slavic language that has articles (may be you dont know this: articles in Bulgarian they not before the words, they are AFTER them as a kind of endings). |
I knew that Bulgarian has articles but I didn't know that they come after the words. I like learning things like that, thanks.
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 443 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 4:02pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Bulgarian, the only Slavic language that has articles (may be you dont know this: articles in Bulgarian they not before the words, they are AFTER them as a kind of endings). |
I knew that Bulgarian has articles but I didn't know that they come after the words. I like learning things like that, thanks. |
For example:
- жена (zhena) - "woman"
- жената (zhenata) - "the woman"
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Laurent616 Pentaglot Newbie Belgium Joined 5065 days ago 12 posts - 19 votes Speaks: French*, English, Italian, Dutch, Hungarian Studies: Russian
| Message 444 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 4:04pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Kérdeznék valamit tőled. Belgiumban minden francia anyanyelvű belga beszél hollandul? S minden holland anyanyelvű belga beszél franciául? Jól beszélnek vagy csak egy kicsit? Olyan is van, aki egyáltalán nem beszéli a hollandot vagy a franciát? |
Vannak sok emberek akik nem beszélnek a másik nyelvet. Tényleg ez egy nagyon súlyos probléma Belgiumban mert sok kapcsolatok a közösségék már nincsenek. Persze, hogy vannak emberek akik nagyon szépen beszélnek franciául vagy hollandul...például Brüsszelben, ott az emberek használnak a 2 nyelveket a munkaért, és angolul is mért nagyon fontas a város egy diplomáciai szempontjából. De igen, a legtöbben nem nagyon jól beszélnek a másik nyelvet... jobban tudnak angolul.
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 445 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 7:25pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
I knew that Bulgarian has articles but I didn't know that they come after the words. |
Now I have an English question.
What is the exact difference between:
"I knew that Bulgarian has articles but I didn't know that they come after the words."
"I knew that Bulgarian had articles but I didn't know that they came after the words."
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Kisfroccs Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member Switzerland Joined 5492 days ago 388 posts - 549 votes    Speaks: French*, German*, EnglishC1, Swiss-German, Hungarian Studies: Italian, Serbo-Croatian
| Message 446 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 8:32pm | IP Logged |
Maxval, it's "rösti" :).
In Swissgerman, the "i" or "li" "le" is often the diminutif. Do you know what the "Röstigraben" is ? (Lit. Rösti ditch)
"lack of understanding between the German-speaking and French-speaking Swiss" :)
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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 447 of 1549 06 April 2011 at 8:37pm | IP Logged |
Kisfroccs wrote:
Maxval, it's "rösti" :).
In Swissgerman, the "i" or "li" "le" is often the diminutif. Do you know what the "Röstigraben" is ? (Lit. Rösti ditch)
"lack of understanding between the German-speaking and French-speaking Swiss" :) |
I didnt know about Röstigraben. I have just read the Wikipedia article. Interesting.
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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 448 of 1549 07 April 2011 at 12:01pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Bulgarian, the only Slavic language that has articles (may be you dont know this: articles in Bulgarian they not before the words, they are AFTER them as a kind of endings). |
I knew that Bulgarian has articles but I didn't know that they come after the words. I like learning things like that, thanks. |
For example:
- жена (zhena) - "woman"
- жената (zhenata) - "the woman" |
This is very similar to Czech.
It is 'ta zena', but it has the meaning of 'that woman' rather than 'the woman'.
The 'z' has a hook over it but I'm in England right now so don't have a Czech keyboard, in case somebody corrects me!
Edited by hribecek on 07 April 2011 at 12:02pm
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