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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1185 of 1549 25 March 2012 at 6:58pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Stefan leugrott a székről és elkezdte emelni fel Samot. Sam felnyúlt az ablakig és
Stefan segÃtségével felhúzta magát. Stefan áttolta Sam lábát az ablakon és
azután Stefan is felmászott és átmászott az ablakon. Az ablak másik oldalán
volt kis esés egy kertre. A kertben puha fű volt, emiatt az utazók nem
sérültek meg.
Mi volt az ablak másik oldalán? Milyen kis esés a kertre? Mi az az esés a kertre?
Egy kert volt az ablak másik oldalán. De a kert volt alacsonyabb, mint az ablak. Emiatt leestek az ablakból a kertre.
"A small drop from the window to the garden."
"Esés" = "a drop"
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1186 of 1549 25 March 2012 at 6:59pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Note: in case of negative sentences, the verbal prefix goes after the verb in 99 %
of the cases! |
That's very useful to know. Thanks!
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1187 of 1549 25 March 2012 at 7:19pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Stefan leugrott a székről és elkezdte emelni fel
Samot. Sam felnyúlt az ablakig és
Stefan segÃtségével felhúzta magát. Stefan áttolta Sam lábát az ablakon és
azután Stefan is felmászott és átmászott az ablakon. Az ablak másik oldalán
volt kis esés egy kertre. A kertben puha fű volt, emiatt az utazók nem
sérültek meg.
Mi volt az ablak másik oldalán? Milyen kis esés a kertre? Mi az az esés a kertre?
Egy kert volt az ablak másik oldalán. De a kert volt alacsonyabb, mint az ablak.
Emiatt leestek az ablakból a kertre.
"A small drop from the window to the garden."
"Esés" = "a drop" |
OK, but cannot be said this way. "Az ablak másik oldalán
volt kis esés egy kertre." sounds as if there were some object called "esés" on the
other side of the window.
You have to use different words. For example "Az ablak egy kicsit magasan volt a
kerthez képest. A kertben puha fű volt, emiatt az utazók nem sérültek meg az eséstől."
or something like that. The important is that the "esés" was not on the window. Even in
English you say "from". Nem az ablakon volt esés, hanem Stefan és Sam estek le.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1188 of 1549 25 March 2012 at 7:32pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Note: in case of negative sentences, the verbal prefix goes after the verb in 99 %
of the cases! |
That's very useful to know. Thanks! |
This is so in all "normal", I mean direct sentences, where there is no emphasis.
A kutya ráugatott a gyanús emberre. - A kutya nem ugatott rá a gyanús emberre.
Hribecek bement a szobába. - Hribecek nem ment be a szobába.
A medve kiment a barlangjából. - A medve nem ment ki a barlangjából.
A lány levetkőzött. - A lány nem vetkőzött le.
A Nap felkelt. - A Nap nem kelt fel.
This is not the case only when there is some kind of emphasis, for example here the
empahisis is on "nem":
A kutya nem ráugatott a gyanús emberre, hanem azonnal rátámadt.
Hribecek nem bement a szobába, hanem kijött a szobából.
A medve nem kiment a barlangjából, hanem bement oda.
A lány nem levetkőzött, hanem felöltözött.
A Nap nem felkelt, hanem lenyugodott.
However, when there is no emphasis, these same sentences can be also:
A kutya nem ugatott rá a gyanús emberre, hanem azonnal rátámadt.
Hribecek nem ment be a szobába, hanem kijött a szobából.
A medve nem ment ki a barlangjából, hanem bement oda.
A lány nem vetkőzött le, hanem felöltözött.
A Nap nem kelt fel, hanem lenyugodott. (however this last sentence sounds very bad)
So, this is mainly a stylistic question.
If you put the prefix after the verb always in all negative sentences, you wont make
mistake in 99 of the cases. And gradually, learning more of the language, you will feel
when the 1 % is applicable. But I think this is for C1 level, not B1 (as your level)
and not even B2.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1189 of 1549 25 March 2012 at 7:48pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
A mind ketten nem voltak jól
Something else about this. This is an interesting difference between English and
Hungarian linguistic logic.
For Hungarians when learning English it is always very strange that in English
sentences like "both of them were not well" are correct. Using "both" in negative
sentences is very strange from Hungarian point of view. If you ask a Hungarian to put
the sentence "both of them were well" into negative in English, he/she probably wont
say "both of them were not well", but will say "neither of them were well" or "neither
of them was well" or "none of them were well" or "none of them was well" or "no one of
them was well".
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1190 of 1549 26 March 2012 at 2:00pm | IP Logged |
I've made another video\recording of me practising the letters ö and ü. I say the same sentence 3 times in slightly different ways (maybe!). Which one, if any, is closest to the correct way?
I think this video might be quite comical for a Hungarian, because you can hear how I really struggle with these letters.
The title of the video is "Gyakorolom a kiejtésemet Ö és Ü betû".
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1191 of 1549 26 March 2012 at 2:15pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
I've made another video\recording of me practising the letters � and
�. I say the same sentence 3 times in slightly different ways (maybe!). Which one, if
any, is closest to the correct way?
I think this video might be quite comical for a Hungarian, because you can hear how I
really struggle with these letters.
The title of the video is "Gyakorolom a kiejt�semet � �s � bet�". |
I will hear/see it tomorrow, today I have no enough time, and I want to listen it
carefully, not just quickly. So I will post my comments probably tomorrow afternoon.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1192 of 1549 27 March 2012 at 8:56am | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
I've made another video\recording of me practising the letters � and �. I say the same sentence 3 times in slightly different ways (maybe!). Which one, if any, is closest to the correct way?
I think this video might be quite comical for a Hungarian, because you can hear how I really struggle with these letters.
The title of the video is "Gyakorolom a kiejt�semet � �s � bet�". |
The beginning is funny, you say: "egy nagy problémám van a kiejtéssel" and you say after that "az ű és az ű között"... :-)
Here are the errors in the three versions:
1. ürülök mert örököltem edzs gyönyörű bőröndXt - the X means something like English "schwa" sound - also the stress here is wrong in the word "örököltem", it must be on the 1st syllable, you put it on the 3rd
2. ürülök mert ürökültem edzs gyönyörű bjőröndöt - here "böröndöt" is strange, you say "bő" as Slav speakers, with a palatalized b!
3. ürölök mert ürökültem edzs gyönyörű böröndöt
The best version is the first! There are only three errors:
- the consonant "gy" - you say it with typical English accent
- the very last "ö" vowel, it is a typical English schwa, something like the last "e" is "Steven", maybe it is unintentional, as in all other cases you say it correctly
- the "ü" and the "ö" souunds are always correct except the first vowel of "örülök"
It seems that your main problem is saying "ö" at the beginning of the word when the next vowel is "ü". The second "ü" makes your pronunciation change the first "ö" into "ü".
So you need to exercise words where there are ö and ü. When there are only ö, you says it well!
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