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hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5407 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1217 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:38pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Ez Samnak nagyon sikerült, mert az ember súlya
miatt, a csónakuk felfordult és mindenki a csónakból beesett a tengerbe.
„Istenem, az sikerült!” Kiabálta Sam és Stefan is akart ünnepelni amikor meglátta,
hogy minden ember a tengerben van.
"Ez Samnak nagyon sikerült" is gramically OK, but why is here? |
Sam throwing the tank of water really worked out well/succeeded because the weight of the falling person made the boat capsize.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5407 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1218 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:43pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
"az emberek a vízben most tartottak a felborult csónakon" - what means this? Mit
tartottak a felborult csónakon? |
Tudom, hogy van egy jobb szó "tartották" helyett, mert egyszer azt írtad, de elfelejtettem.
They were holding on to the side of the overturned boat.
I know the word was something like "képe..." something but can't remember the exact form.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5131 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1219 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:46pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
" de tovább az emberek lassabban fogták " has no
sense, what you wanted to say? Mit
fogtak lassabban az emberek? |
The people were still slowly catching them (up). Az utazókat. I guess there must be
some sort of verbal particle there to emphasise the fact that it is in process and they
haven't caught them yet?
Here is the sentence:
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, ???(de tovább az emberek
lassabban fogták)???, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
I still dont understand. Maybe "they were still behind them" or something like that or
"they were still approaching them".
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, de az emberek továbbra is
közeledtek hozzájuk, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
Is this OK?
I simply dont understand the use of "catch" here. Obviously the English sentence is too
hard for me. If I heard the English verb "catch" in such context, I wouldnt be able to
understand it.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5131 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1220 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:54pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Ez Samnak nagyon sikerült, mert az ember
miatt, a csónakuk felfordult és mindenki a csónakból beesett a tengerbe.
„Istenem, az sikerült!” Kiabálta Sam és Stefan is akart ünnepelni amikor meglátta,
hogy minden ember a tengerben van.
"Ez Samnak nagyon sikerült" is gramically OK, but why is here? |
throwing the tank of water really worked out well/succeeded because the weight of the
falling person made the boat capsize.
The problem is with "ez". Its not clear what it refers to.
"A tartály eltalálta az egyik embert a fején és az
ember kiesett a csónakból. Ez Samnak nagyon sikerült, mert az ember súlya
miatt, a csónakuk felfordult és mindenki a csónakból beesett a tengerbe." - it is not
clear mi sikerült Samnak. Egyszer már mondtad, hogy a tartály eltalálta az embert, ezek
után nem világos mi más sikerült még. Valahogy így ez félreérthető és furcsa. I would
omit the whole part "Ez Samnak sikerült", its is useless.
My version is:
"A tartály eltalálta az egyik embert a fején és az
ember kiesett a csónakból. Az ember súlya miatt a csónakuk felfordult és mindenki a
csónakból beesett a tengerbe."
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5131 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1221 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:55pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
"az emberek a vízben most tartottak a felborult
csónakon" - what means this? Mit
tartottak a felborult csónakon? |
Tudom, hogy van egy jobb szó "tartották"
helyett, mert egyszer azt írtad, de elfelejtettem.
They were holding on to the side of the overturned boat.
I know the word was something like "képe..." something but can't remember the exact form.
"az emberek a vízben most kapaszkodtak a felborult csónakba"
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5407 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1222 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 5:59pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
Here is the sentence:
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, ???(de tovább az emberek
lassabban fogták)???, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
I still dont understand. Maybe "they were still behind them" or something like that or
"they were still approaching them".
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, de az emberek továbbra is
közeledtek hozzájuk, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
Is this OK?
I simply dont understand the use of "catch" here. Obviously the English sentence is too
hard for me. If I heard the English verb "catch" in such context, I wouldnt be able to
understand it. |
You could say "approaching" but "approaching" suggests that the travellers maybe aren't moving and doesn't suggest a chase in English.
The travellers are trying to escape and are being chased by the people. Despite the now slightly faster boat of the travellers, the boat of the people is still getting progressively nearer (catching up), because there are more of them rowing so their boat is faster.
Does "közeledik" have this "catching up" meaning too?
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5131 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 1223 of 1549 08 April 2012 at 6:11pm | IP Logged |
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
Here is the sentence:
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, ???(de tovább az emberek
lassabban fogták)???, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
I still dont understand. Maybe "they were still behind them" or something like that or
"they were still approaching them".
"Ez egy kicsit segített, hogy a csónak gyorsabban menjen, de az emberek továbbra is
közeledtek hozzájuk, mert öten voltak és ketten eveztek (csak Stefan evezett az utazók
Is this OK?
I simply dont understand the use of "catch" here. Obviously the English sentence is too
hard for me. If I heard the English verb "catch" in such context, I wouldnt be able to
understand it. |
You could say "approaching" but "approaching" suggests that the travellers maybe aren't
moving and doesn't suggest a chase in English.
The travellers are trying to escape and are being chased by the people. Despite the
now slightly faster boat of the travellers, the boat of the people is still getting
progressively nearer (catching up), because there are more of them rowing so their boat
is faster.
Does "közeledik" have this "catching up" meaning too?
Közeledik is OK.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5407 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 1224 of 1549 13 April 2012 at 8:08pm | IP Logged |
Szia Maxval
Terveztem, hogy ma valamit rnk, mert tudom, hogy holnaptl nem lesz az idm, mert az ccem s a nktestvrem itt jnnek vendegsgbe. Sajnos ma sem tudok rni sokat, mert elg beteg vagyok. Szval, nem akartam, hogy vrj egy j fejezetet ezen a htvgen. Azt hiszem, hogy a legkzelebb lesz kt ht mlva, amikor a rokonaim mr nem lesznek.
J htvget kvnok.
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