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Hungarian - January challenge thread

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 Message 57 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 9:32pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:

hribecek wrote:
Fut más mezőhöz és ugrik a más mezőbe.

Runs or jumps? Both cannot be used.

"Fut a másik mezőre."

Here I meant - 'he runs to the other field and jumps into it (over the fence)'.

Why are there fences???

Mező is usually an open space with no fences. You mean private plots?

Better use the word "telek" or "terület"! Or "tanya"!

"A másik telekhez/tanyához futott és átugrott a kerítésén."

In English a field is surrounded by some sort of fence or hedge, cows in one, crops in another etc. Maybe mező is like 'meadow' in English.
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Bilingual Pentaglot
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 Message 58 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 9:52pm | IP Logged 
xander.XVII wrote:
I've been always fascinated by hungarian,anyway I've never tried to approach myself to
this language, for a lot of reasons which I don't explain now because of their boredom.
Notwithstanding, is hungarian difficult to learn in your opinion?
Is grammatically speaking similar to English or more to German (Has it cases or not?)?
It's impossible to study it without buying any book?
Thank you for your answer.

Hello ! It's a bit similar to German, it has cases (nominativ, accusativ, dativ) and prepositions that works like cases ( I see it like this way :) - I know a lot of people say it has like 24 cases). However if you're speaking French I found something that can make the whole thing more clear :

Sujet, attribut du sujet, complément du nom - rien
A ház fehér. La maison est blanche.

Le COD: -t
Látok egy házat. Je vois une maison


Dans, à l'intérieur de

Sans mouvement: -ban, -ben
A házban öt szoba van. Il y a cinq pièces dans la maison.

Avec mouvement : -ba, -be
Bemegünk a házba. Nous entrons dans la maison

Mouvement de - à : ból, ből
Kimegyünk a házból. (Nous sortons de la maison


Sur, sur la surface de

Sans mouvement : n, on, en, ön
Az asztalon virág van. Il y a des fleurs sur la table.

Mouvement vers : ra, re
As asztalra teszem a virágot. Je pose les fleurs sur la table.

Mouvement de - à : ról, ről
Leveszem a virágot az asztalról. Je prends les fleurs sur (de) la table.


Près de à proximité de, chez

Sans mouvement : nál, nél
Péternél vagyünk. Nous sommes chez Pierre

Mouvement vers : hoz, hez, höz
Péterhez megyünk. Nous allons chez Pierre.

Mouvement de - à : tól, től
Pétertól jövünk. Nous venons de chez Pierre.


Pour, à, COI : nak, nek
Katinak adom a könyvet. Je donne le livre à Catherine.


Avec val, vel (s + val = ssal, t + val = ttal etc)
Annával és Miklossal beszélgetek. Je discute avec Anne et (avec) Michel.


Devenir, Rendre : vá, vé
A forró víz gőzzé alakul. L'eau bouillante
se transforme en vapeur

Langues : ul, ül
Magyar -> magyarul

pour, cause et finalité : ért
A szabadságért harcoltak. Ils ont lutté pour la liberté

Este hétig dolgozom. Je travaille jusqu'à sept heures du soir.

Complément du nom; nak, nek
A háznak az ablaka kicsi. Le fenêtre de la maison est petite.

Comme, en qualité de, en tant que
Turistaként jött Franciaországban. Il est venu en France en tant que Touriste.

Comme, en tant que : képpen, képp
Próbaképpen lefordítottam. Je l'ai traduit à titre d'essai.

Par : nként
Hetenként egyszer találkozunk. Nous nous rencontrons une fois par semaine.

(credit : no me :(, and I don't remenber whose it is, please feel free to mention the name if you find it)

You can try for learning online + youtube and online dictionaries. But I do not garantee the success :). Good luck or sok szerencsét ! It's a fascinating language.

BTW Hribecek : I think I have time tomorrow and should post a little storie. I hope so, time is passing and there are not so much days remaining until end of January ;)

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 Message 59 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 10:08pm | IP Logged 
xander.XVII wrote:
I've been always fascinated by hungarian,anyway I've never tried to approach myself to
this language, for a lot of reasons which I don't explain now because of their boredom.
Notwithstanding, is hungarian difficult to learn in your opinion?
Is grammatically speaking similar to English or more to German (Has it cases or not?)?
It's impossible to study it without buying any book?
Thank you for your answer.

Who are you asking?

It's a very difficult question to answer. I haven't studied German so can't compare it to English but Hungarian grammar is very different to English (although there is no gender in Hugarian which is nice). There are cases but they're not as complex as Slavic language cases for example, but there are other difficulties instead. I'm not a linguist or expert on Hungarian so I'll leave Maxval or someone else to elaborate on that if they want to. Perhaps you should read the wikipaedia entry about Hungarian, I'm sure it's in Italian too.

I can only say that Hungarian is complex but refreshingly regular in its complexity (much more regular than English) which has made it a very enjoyable and learnable language for me so far.

I like to use a book as a guide but I expect there are ways of learning it on line for free too.

If you're a language geek like me then I definitely recommend it!

EDIT : I see Kisfroccs explained it to you very well probably (I don't speak French so can't be sure!) in French while I was writing my reply)

Edited by hribecek on 24 January 2011 at 10:13pm

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 Message 60 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 10:20pm | IP Logged 
Kisfroccs wrote:

BTW Hribecek : I think I have time tomorrow and should post a little storie. I hope so, time is passing and there are not so much days remaining until end of January ;)


Hi Kisfröccs

I'm glad that you're still taking part in this challenge! The actual deadline for me is February 4th but I intend to write a report about my Hungary trip in Hungarian on February 13th/14th. So we can keep it on for an extra 2 weeks if you want? I think I originally called it a 6 week challenge anyway.

We can keep this thread going indefinitely afterwards too as a place to practise.
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 Message 61 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 10:26pm | IP Logged 
Thank both you!
I didn't quote you because of posts' length, notwithstanding I think I will try to learn
Another question:Is google translator reliable to find word by word?
I mean,if I want "dog" or "to hunt" is it good?
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Czech Republic
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 Message 62 of 1549
24 January 2011 at 10:33pm | IP Logged 
xander.XVII wrote:
Thank both you!
I didn't quote you because of posts' length, notwithstanding I think I will try to learn
Another question:Is google translator reliable to find word by word?
I mean,if I want "dog" or "to hunt" is it good?

I haven't used google translator for Hungarian but it's probably okay, at least for beginner vocabulary. As good as a normal dictionary I suppose.
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 Message 63 of 1549
25 January 2011 at 1:20pm | IP Logged 
xander.XVII wrote:
I've been always fascinated by hungarian,anyway I've never tried to approach myself to
this language, for a lot of reasons which I don't explain now because of their boredom.
Notwithstanding, is hungarian difficult to learn in your opinion?
Is grammatically speaking similar to English or more to German (Has it cases or not?)?
It's impossible to study it without buying any book?
Thank you for your answer.

I think all languages are equally difficult. There are no easy and hard languages.

Of course, there are differences depending on the native language of the student who studies a specific foreign language. For a Czech it is much easier to learn Russian, than Spanish. And for an Italian it is easier to learn Spanish, than English. And a German will learn English easier than French.

Hungarian is not an Indo-European language, so it has several specific characteristics features that are strange for a Russian, an Italian, or and English, but at the same time they are known linguistic features for a Finn, or for a Turk.

But these non-Indo-European features are not in any way harder! They are only unusual for a person who has an Indo-European native language.

I think that there are two types of languages from the viewpoint of learning:
- languages that are easy at the basic level, and then become harder when trying to archieve fluency,
- languages that are hard at the basic level, a than become easier.

I think Hungarian is from the second type, and English is from the first.

It is very easy to BEGIN to learn English, after two weeks an avarage student can make relatively correct English sentences - this is impossible when someone begins to learn Hungarian. But after archieving a basic level, Englisb becomes much harder: probably English is the European language with the biggest quantity of words! In English there are a lot of synonims, often there a Latin and a Germanic word for the same.

In Hungarian the hardest period is the period when the student understands the basic logic of the language. After that, the language become EASIER. For example in English you have to memorize a lot of irregular grammatical structures (for example irregular verbs), in Hungarian there is almost no irregular verbs.

Many people think English is easy, and Hungarian is hard. Its not true! English is easy only at the basic level, for example when asking in the airport where is the police or something like that. At any level above that English is not easy at all.   

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 Message 64 of 1549
25 January 2011 at 1:30pm | IP Logged 
Kisfroccs wrote:
I know a lot of people say it has like 24 cases).

The word "case" is an Indo-European concept for flexive type languages. Many linguists think in Hungarian there are no cases at all, as these "cases" are not the same as in Latin, Russian or German.

Hungarian is not a flexive type languages, its an aglutinative type language. In reality in Hungarian there are ENDINGS, not cases. Some linguists categorize a part of these endings as "case endings", but it is not very much logical, as there are no real difference between "case endings" and "non-case endings".

This is the reason why there is no consensus on the question how many cases are there in Hungarian. It depends on what you considere a case! Some linguists speak about 15 cases, other about 17 or 18, others about 34, and there also other numbers.

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