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maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 177 of 1549 02 March 2011 at 2:14pm | IP Logged |
There are sites in Hungary about bad translations from English to Hungarian. There are many funny things.
One of my favorites is when in an American science fiction movie there is a problem with the spaceship, and the spaceships commander asks help by shouting "mayday, mayday!". The Hungarian translator obviously has never heard about "mayday" and tried to figure out what its meaning. The final version: "majális, majális!", "majális" was a Hungarian folk custom, celebration of the 1st day of May. People couldnt figure our why the ships captain doesnt ask for HELP in the movie, is he crazy to talking about a folk feast when there is real problem? :-)
Other movie was a British movie, but there was a German girl too. The movie was in English, but in one moment when the British guy wants to kiss the German girl, she shouts in German "nein, nein". The Hungarian translator translated this part as "kilenc, kilenc". :-)
Edited by maxval on 02 March 2011 at 2:15pm
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 178 of 1549 02 March 2011 at 5:52pm | IP Logged |
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:
For some reason it didn't occur to me that 'lehet' is the '..het..' form of the verb 'lenni'. It should have done though, thanks for clearing that up!
It is interesting that the verb "van" is the only Hungarian verb that has a REAL future tense, the future tense is "lesz".
In Hungarian now officially the verb tenses are three: past, present and future, but in reality the future can be perfectly expressed by the use of the Present Tense. In English it is impossible. You cant say in English correctly "Tomorrow I go to the cinema", while in Hungarian "Holnap megyek a moziba" is perfectly correct, saying "Holnap menni fogok a moziba" is somewhat emphatical.
Falling out of use of the verb tenses is a characteristic of the Hungarian language.
In actual Hungarian language Imperative Mood has only Present Tense, in older language it had Past Tense too.
In actual Hungarian language Indicative Mood has only one past tense, in older language there was THREE more past tenses: past imperfect, past perfect and past plusquamperfect. For example "beszéltem volt" was the plusquamperfect, it was something like in English "I has worked". The form "beszélék" was something like "I was working", and the form "beszéltem vala" was something like "I have worked" in English. Now there is only the former simple past tense: "beszéltem".
Dont try to learn the former verb tenses, they are useless. You can encounter these tenses only in literature from the end of the 19th century or older. Even in the 19th century there were used only in the written language of high style.
For present day Hungarians the former past tenses mean nothing, they dont know their function, they recognize them only as "past in an archaic form", but an average Hungarian wont be able to explain what is the difference between the different types of archaic Hungarian tenses.
That's very interesting and nice information for me. Interesting because of the history and nice because you say that I don't need to study those forms!
Another false friend correction for you -
When you wrote 'actual', the word you really needed was 'current' or 'modern-day'. Actual and actually are like eventually as very common mistakes made by Slavs. I guess it's your Bulgarian again.
The real translation of 'actually' is 'vlastně' in Czech, maybe there's something similar in Bulgarian? A similar synonym would be 'in reality' or 'in fact'. 'Actual' means something like 'the real' as in the way I started this paragraph.
Edited by hribecek on 02 March 2011 at 5:53pm
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| Kisfroccs Bilingual Pentaglot Senior Member Switzerland Joined 5492 days ago 388 posts - 549 votes    Speaks: French*, German*, EnglishC1, Swiss-German, Hungarian Studies: Italian, Serbo-Croatian
| Message 179 of 1549 02 March 2011 at 10:02pm | IP Logged |
Hribecek, sorry for reposting this question, but I want to be part of the TAC team. Can I take my current logbook and change the title ? Or it is better to start a new log ?
köszi :)
As I am leaving for Hungary this weekend, I will start my log afterwards.
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| The Stephen Diglot Groupie United States Joined 5135 days ago 65 posts - 77 votes  Speaks: English*, German Studies: Czech, Hungarian
| Message 180 of 1549 03 March 2011 at 5:11am | IP Logged |
Jó napot, itt TheStephen.
Nekem magyarul egy nagyon nehéz nyelv, de igyekszem.
Stephen névem, és Amerikai vagyok. Magyarul tanulok, és német is. Magyarul tanulok, mert nekem Magyarul tetszik, és kérek egy napon Magyarországre megy.
Hello, it's TheStephen.
Hungarian is a very difficult language to me, but I'm trying.
I'm called Stephen, and I'm American. I study Hungarian as well as German. I study Hungarian because it is very interesting to me and I want to go to Hungary some day.
Well, there's the first thing I've ever written in Hungarian. I don't have any experience with longer sentences like that last one, so I'd imagine my word order is horrible (among many other things of course). But I tried to go a little beyond my skill level in order to learn more. Hopefully Maxval won't mind correcting it too much. :)
Edited by The Stephen on 03 March 2011 at 5:14am
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 181 of 1549 03 March 2011 at 7:26am | IP Logged |
The Stephen wrote:
Nekem magyarul egy nagyon nehéz nyelv, de igyekszem. |
Nekem a magyar egy nagyon nehéz nyelv, de igyekszem.
The Stephen wrote:
Stephen névem, és Amerikai vagyok. |
Stephen a nevem, és amerikai vagyok.
The Stephen wrote:
Magyarul tanulok, és német is. |
Magyarul tanulok, és németül is.
The Stephen wrote:
Magyarul tanulok, mert nekem Magyarul tetszik, és kérek egy napon Magyarországre megy. |
Magyarul tanulok, mert nekem a magyar tetszik, és szeretnék egy napon Magyarországra menni.
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| maxval Pentaglot Senior Member Bulgaria maxval.co.nr Joined 5156 days ago 852 posts - 1577 votes     Speaks: Hungarian*, Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Russian Studies: Latin, Modern Hebrew
| Message 182 of 1549 03 March 2011 at 8:25am | IP Logged |
The Stephen wrote:
Jó napot, itt TheStephen.
Nekem magyarul egy nagyon nehéz nyelv, de igyekszem.
Stephen névem, és Amerikai vagyok. Magyarul tanulok, és német is. Magyarul tanulok, mert nekem Magyarul tetszik, és kérek egy napon Magyarországre megy.
Hello, it's TheStephen.
Hungarian is a very difficult language to me, but I'm trying.
I'm called Stephen, and I'm American. I study Hungarian as well as German. I study Hungarian because it is very interesting to me and I want to go to Hungary some day.
Well, there's the first thing I've ever written in Hungarian. I don't have any experience with longer sentences like that last one, so I'd imagine my word order is horrible (among many other things of course). But I tried to go a little beyond my skill level in order to learn more. Hopefully Maxval won't mind correcting it too much. :) |
Something important that many people seems not to know!
The name of the Hungarian language in Hungarian is "magyar", and NOT "magyarul".
The -ul/-ül is an ending used for Essivus-Modalis (state or condition). The ending -ul/-ül is used always with languages, but not only with languages. For example:
Kutyául érzem magam. (I feel like a dog.)
When saying "I like Hungarian", you need to use the Accusative ending, as this is a direct object, so it is "Szeretem a magyart", you cannot use Essivus-Modalis ending!
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 183 of 1549 03 March 2011 at 4:30pm | IP Logged |
Kisfroccs wrote:
Hribecek, sorry for reposting this question, but I want to be part of the TAC team. Can I take my current logbook and change the title ? Or it is better to start a new log ?
köszi :)
As I am leaving for Hungary this weekend, I will start my log afterwards.
Kisfröccs |
Hi Kisfröccs
As far as I know you can change the title of your logbook, The Stephen did it so it must be possible. Other than that you only have to go to TAC challenge 2011 thread and tell Ellasevia (or maybe pm him) that you want to be part of Hungarian Team Ő.
You'll be a valuable team member, along with Lapislazuli, The Stephen and myself.
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| hribecek Triglot Senior Member Czech Republic Joined 5432 days ago 1243 posts - 1458 votes     Speaks: English*, Czech, Spanish Studies: Italian, Polish, Slovak, Hungarian, Toki Pona, Russian
| Message 184 of 1549 03 March 2011 at 4:41pm | IP Logged |
The Stephen wrote:
Jó napot, itt TheStephen.
Nekem magyarul egy nagyon nehéz nyelv, de igyekszem.
Stephen névem, és Amerikai vagyok. Magyarul tanulok, és német is. Magyarul tanulok, mert nekem Magyarul tetszik, és kérek egy napon Magyarországre megy.
Hello, it's TheStephen.
Hungarian is a very difficult language to me, but I'm trying.
I'm called Stephen, and I'm American. I study Hungarian as well as German. I study Hungarian because it is very interesting to me and I want to go to Hungary some day.
Well, there's the first thing I've ever written in Hungarian. I don't have any experience with longer sentences like that last one, so I'd imagine my word order is horrible (among many other things of course). But I tried to go a little beyond my skill level in order to learn more. Hopefully Maxval won't mind correcting it too much. :) |
Isten hozta The Stephen! (is that the informal welcome greeting too? I wanted the informal one)
Örülök, hogy már itt írsz. Nekem ez a thread nagyon fontos, mert tudunk gyakorolni a magyart. (I would have written 'a magyar nyelvet' until I read your message Maxval, so is this correct?)
Remélem, hogy majd itt sokat írsz, mert a több ember a jobb! Örülök is, mert Team Ő-ben vagy és kell használnunk sok ezt a nyelvet.
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