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Hungarian - January challenge thread

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 Message 321 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 6:05pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

csillagász és a földműves terve


hribecek wrote:


This needs to be explained more in more details!

Hungarian possessive constructions are a little bit rare from an Indo-European language logic.

When there are one or more possessors and one or more possessions!

When there are one possessor and one possession, this is clear: "a csillagász terve".

When there are one possessor and more possessions, this is also clear: "a csillagász tervei".

When there are more possessors and one possession, this is clear too: "a csillagász és a földműves terve". They have ONE plan, a common plan.

When there are more possessors and more possessions, it is usually: "a csillagász és a földműves tervei", but in this case sometimes the possession is in singular, but it means plural, for example "a kutya és a macska lába", or "feleségem szeme", it doesnt mean that the cat and the dog have only one common leg, and it doesnt mean that my wife has only one eye or that I am speaking only about one of her eyes.

The same "problem" exists when coordinating subject and predicate.

Possibilities are:
the "normal" cases are:
- subject is singular, predicate in singular,
- subject is plural, predicate in plural,
however there are possibilties, when:
- subject is singular, predicate in plural,
- subject is plural, predicate in singular.

The last one is very much frequent in Hungarian! For example: "tegnap Hribecek és a felesége moziba ment", not "mentek". It is used to put an emphasis on the fact that Hribecek and his wife were together, they went together to the cinema. If used "mentek", there is ambiguity, it may mean that they were together to the cinema, but my also mean that Hribecek went to one cinema, and his wife went to other cinema at the same time.

Edited by maxval on 27 March 2011 at 6:14pm

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 Message 322 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 6:10pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

Döntött, hogy majd azt probálja, de akkor tudatosított, hogy a sziget nagyon nagy és az utazás nagyon messze. Kellene sok étel. Azért a földműveshez ment, mert a földműves tudott segíteni.

Döntött, hogy majd azt megpróbálja, de akkor tudatosódott benne, hogy a sziget nagyon nagy és az utazás nagyon messze. Kellene sok étel. Ezért a földműveshez ment, mert a földműves tudott segíteni.

The "utazás" cant be "messze", it can be "hosszú" or "nagy". If "utazás" is "messze", it means that there is long time until the beginning of the "utazás". Even in this case it will be "messze van".

Edited by maxval on 27 March 2011 at 6:10pm

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 Message 323 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 6:13pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:

Aztán, a csillagász az utazást szervezte, a földműves az ételet készítette és a feltaláló a asztalosnak segített a hajóval.

Végre minden kész volt és boldogan izgalmas kalandra elindultottak!

Aztán, a csillagász az utazást megszervezte, a földműves az ételt elkészítette és a feltaláló az asztalosnak segített a hajóval.

Végre minden kész volt és boldogan elindultak az izgalmas kalandra!

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 Message 324 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 6:58pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:

Egy nap a csillagász nézte a csillagokat és megtudott, hogy tudok a csillagokkal a szigetet menni át. Gondolt is, hogy ha ez lehet, a tengeret is tudok menni át.

Plz explain this part! Other sentences are clear, but I cant understand these two sentences...

In English it would be - One day the astronomer was looking (gazing) at the stars and he found out that by following the stars he could make (navigate) his way across the island. He thought that if this is possible then he could cross (navigate his way across) the sea this way too.

I felt like this sentence was badly constructed on my part. Obviously I used simplified Hungarian too.
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 Message 325 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 7:03pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:
hribecek wrote:

Egy nap a csillagász nézte a csillagokat és megtudott, hogy tudok a csillagokkal a szigetet menni át. Gondolt is, hogy ha ez lehet, a tengeret is tudok menni át.

Plz explain this part! Other sentences are clear, but I cant understand these two sentences...

In English it would be - One day the astronomer was looking (gazing) at the stars and he found out that by following the stars he could make (navigate) his way across the island. He thought that if this is possible then he could cross (navigate his way across) the sea this way too.

I felt like this sentence was badly constructed on my part. Obviously I used simplified Hungarian too.

Egy nap a csillagász nézte a csillagokat és rájött/megértette, hogy a csillagok segítségével át tudna menni a szigeten. Arra is gondolt, hogy ha ez lehetséges, akkor a tengeren is át tudna menni.

Edited by maxval on 27 March 2011 at 7:04pm

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 Message 326 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 7:06pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:

Még egy problémájuk volt, egy hajó kellett a tengerre és egyikük sem nem tudta azt feltalálni sem azt megépíteni. Azért úgy döntöttek, hogy a feltalálóhoz mennek.

But why "feltalálni"? This makes no sense.

I meant - neither of them knew how to design a boat or build it. For that reason they went to the inventor.

I guess I didn't think this through! An inventor doesn't design boats. Let's say that in this story boats hadn't been invented yet! Actually I think that was the case in the English version too.

In the English version I think they said that they needed somebody to invent something to get them across the ocean and so they went to the inventor.
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 Message 327 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 7:12pm | IP Logged 
maxval wrote:

A feltalálónek sok ötlete volt, de nem volt terméke. Neki a élete már unalmas volt, így a csillagász és a földműves terve nagyon érdelkelte. Szóval, a feltalálónak ötlete volt, de még kellett egy ember, aki meg tudja építeni azt. Ezért az asztaloshoz mentek.

Why "terméke"? It makes no sense.

I meant - the inventor had lots of ideas but he'd never produced anything.
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 Message 328 of 1549
27 March 2011 at 7:19pm | IP Logged 
hribecek wrote:
maxval wrote:

Még egy problémájuk volt, egy hajó kellett a tengerre és egyikük sem nem tudta azt feltalálni sem azt megépíteni. Azért úgy döntöttek, hogy a feltalálóhoz mennek.

But why "feltalálni"? This makes no sense.

I meant - neither of them knew how to design a boat or build it. For that reason they went to the inventor.

I guess I didn't think this through! An inventor doesn't design boats. Let's say that in this story boats hadn't been invented yet! Actually I think that was the case in the English version too.

In the English version I think they said that they needed somebody to invent something to get them across the ocean and so they went to the inventor.

OK. This is not a translation problem. This is a story plot problem.

They didnt need to invent a boat, they needed to build it, as they already knew that they needed a boat. So they went to their friend, who was an inventor, because they knew that he would be able to build a boat. He was a professional inventor, he had invented many marvelous things in the past, but in this case his inventor skills were not needed. In this special case they needed his boat building skills, as they knew about him that in his spare time, when he wasnt inventing anything, he liked to build boats, as a hobby. :-)

Edited by maxval on 27 March 2011 at 7:21pm

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