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Radioclare’s tac log 2015 (*jäŋe/*ledús)

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292 messages over 37 pages: << Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10 ... 36 37 Next >>
Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4667 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 73 of 292
04 March 2015 at 10:35pm | IP Logged 
A nice person at Lang-8 corrected my text for me. There weren't too many errors
actually. The main points were...

- "Dok sam bila dijete" is a better translation of "When I was a child" then "Kada sam
bila dijete".

- I am utterly confused about whether grapes are singular "grožđe" or plural "grožđa"
in Croatian. I realised this halfway through writing the paragraphs of grapes and
couldn't figure it out. I'm still not sure what the answer is so I'm just not going to
write about grapes again :D

Corrected version below. I forgot to say yesterday that it was 480 words, so
not quite a page.

Koja je bila tvoja omiljena hrana dok si bio dijete? Je li se što promijenilo?
Zašto (ni)je promijenilo?

Dok sam bila dijete, moja je omiljena hrana bila grožđa. To barem misli moj dečko,
zato što smo nedavno pronašli neku staru školsku knjigu u koju sam to bila napisala.
Ja se uopće ne sjećam da sam ikada toliko voljela grožđe. Sjećam se da sam ih nekada
pojela za ručak kada sam bila u školi, ali ne vjerujem da sam ih zaista više voljela
nego naprimjer čokoladu. Sada sam odrasla osoba i grožđe još uvijek volim, ali samo
kada se nalazi u nekom dobrom vinu!

Moja omiljena hrana danas je vjerojatno čokolada, jer ne mogu zamisliti da živim bez
nje. Kada sam tužna, kada sam ljuta i kada su mi ruke pune posla, jedem čokoladu da
preživim. Znam da to sigurno nije dobra strategija za suočavanje sa stresom, ali to
ipak učinim. Najviše volim englesku čokoladu i radim u gradu koji ima veliku tvornicu
za proizvodnju čokolade. Sviđa mi se i njemačka čokolada, naročito Ritter Sport.
Mislim da je dobro što nije jednostavno pronaći tu čokoladu u Engleskoj, jer
uvijek previše jedem.

Ovih dana jedem mnogo tjestenina, ali se sjećam da nisam čak ni čula o takvoj hrani
dok nisam imala deset godina. Moji su roditelji kuhali samo tipičnu britansku hranu,
pa nismo jeli ni tjesteninu, ni rižu ni picu sve dok nisam počela ići u srednju školu.
Majka mi je iz Irske, pa joj se najviše sviđaju jela od krumpira i kupusa. Oduvijek
sam mrzila te sastojake. Kada sam bila mlada, bojala sam se da bi me majka natjerala
da jedem kupus zbog toga bi ga sakrila negdje u neka druga jela. Dakle, uvijek sam
bila malo sumnjiva kad god sam nešto jela. Često je došla do svađe kod nas dok smo
večerali zbog toga što sam odbijala da nešto pojedem.

Radujem se što sam odrasla osoba i nikada ne moram da pojedem nešto što mi se ne
sviđa. Mislim da je hrana danas zanimljivija nego kada sam bila dijete, zato što je
sada lakše probati jela iz čitavog svijeta. Kod nas se često jede indijsku hranu,
primjerice, što bi bilo neobično prije dvadeset godina.

Naravno, kada učim novi jezik, želim učiti i o hrani te zemlje. Kada sam naučila
njemački, naučila sam voljeti ne samo duge rečenice bez glagola, a također
Kaiserschmarrn, Käsespätzle i Rösti. Nije bilo ništa slično kada sam naučila
Esperanto, jer taj posebni jezik ne dolazi iz nikakve zemlje, pa nema nikakvu
tradicijsku hranu. Prije što sam naučila Esperanto, međutim, bila sam trezvenjak, a
sada pijem vino skoro svaki dan, pa mislim da me je Esperanto ipak mnogo naučila što
se tiče alkohola.

Trenutačno učim hrvatski i kada idem u Balkan, probam nacionalne specialitete. Volim
zagrebački odrezak, fritule, čevapčiće i - naravno - burek. Ali znam da moram još
vježbati da mogla popiti rakiju kao prava Hrvatica.

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4667 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 74 of 292
04 March 2015 at 10:38pm | IP Logged 
Today I was in the unusual position of working in the town I live in, which meant I had a the joy of a mere 30-minute
commute (walking!) into work. I was home before 6pm which is an unheard of occurrence, so I've had a really long evening
with lots of time to write in Croatian.

I tackled rdearman's second writing prompt:

What's the #1 most played song on your music player? When did you discover it? Why do you like it?

Koja ti je najslušanija pjesma na ipodu? Kada si je otkrila? Zašto je volim?

Nisam znala koja pjesma mi je najslušanija na ipodu, pa sam kontrolirala na lastfm-u i ta stranica mi je objavila da mi je
najslušanija pjesma "Zimmer Frei" od Hladnog Piva. Hladno Pivo je hrvatski rock sastav iz Zagreba. "Zimmer Frei" je prva
pjesma na hrvatskom jeziku koju sam ikada kupila, pa mislim da mi je ova najslušanija pjesma zato što sam je sto put
slušala da razumijem tekst.

"Zimmer Frei" naravno nije hrvatski izraz. To je njemački izraz koji znači da gostionica nije prepuna, a ima praznih soba.
Dok sam putovala u Hrvatskoj, često sam vidjela ovakve plakate izvan kuća, naročito na obali. Mislim da su takvi plakati
najčešće na njemačkom (i ne na engleskom) zbog toga što su Nijemci povijesno bili najčešći posjetitelji u Hrvatsku.

Pjesma se radi o turizamu i kako će biti divno kada je turizam u Hrvatskoj jednoga dana uspio: "To će biti taj dan! Objesi
"Zimmer Frei", leži pod palmu i uživaj!". Najviše mi se sviđa linija "Slavonija će biti golf teren". Slavonija je dio
Hrvatske koji nema mnogih turista zato što nema mora, pa je ta linija smješna zato što podrazumeva da je jedina privlačna
osobina Slavonije to što je zemlja prilično ravna i, dakle, možda bi bila dobro mjesto za golf teren.

Kao su sve pjesme od Hladnog Piva, mislim da je i ova malo ironična. U drugoj kitici se čuje: "Debele švabe će se tući za
vize, da dođu do nas i potroše devize". Nisam sigurna, ali mislim da je "švaba" nepristojna riječ za Nijemac. Znam da
pjevač, međutim, nije rasista, jer je rođen u Njemačkoj i bio je nekada profesor njemačkog jezika.

Jako mi se sviđa spot ove pjeseme, zato što ga ne mogu gledati bez smijeha i glazba me podsjeti na ljeto.

Hladno Pivo su bez sumnje moj omiljeni hrvatski bend. Najslušanija mi je pjesma ovog tjedna, međutim, nije pjesma od
Hladnog Piva, nego od Brkova. Brkovi su hrvatski turbofolk-punkrock sastav iz Zagreba. Nemojte me pitati što je "turbofolk-
punkrock", jer ne znam kako da to objasnim! Ali takva glazba mi se ipak sviđa i moja omiljena pjesma od Brkova trenutačno
je "Nisam ja za tebe".

Ovu pjesmu volim jer jako je smješna. Pjevač pokušava objasniti jednoj djevojčici zašto on ne bi bio dobar dečko za nju.
Naprimjer, on kaže: "Ti imaš dugu kosu i jako si mlada, a ja sam stara čelava budala". Jako mi se sviđa ovakav humor, ali
ne znam kako se kaže na hrvatskom. Na engleskom se kaže "self-deprecating humour".


I didn't know which song was the most listened to on my ipod, so I checked at lastfm and that website told me that my
most listened to song was "Zimmer Frei" by Hladno Pivo. Hladno Pivo (in English "Cold Beer") are a Croatian rock band from
Zagreb. "Zimmer Frei" is the first song which I ever bought in Croatian, so I think that it's my most listened to song
because I've listened to it a hundred times to understand the words.

"Zimmer Frei", of course, isn't a Croatian expression. It's a German expression which means that a guesthouse isn't full
and has vacant rooms. When I've been travelling in Croatian I have often seen those sorts of signs outside houses,
particularly at the coast. I think that those signs are most often in German (and not in English) because Germans have
historically been the most frequent visitors to Croatia.

The song is about tourism and how wonderful it will be one day when tourism in Croatia has taken off: "That will be the
day! Hang up "Zimmer Frei", lie down under a palm and enjoy!". The line I like the most is "Slavonia will be a golf
course". Slavonia is the part of Croatia which doesn't have a lot of tourists because it isn't by the sea, so that line is
funny because it implies that the only attractive characteristic of Slavonia is that the ground is quite flat and therefore
it would be a good place for a golf course.

Like all songs of Hladno Pivo, I think that this one is a bit ironic. In the second verse you can hear the line "Fat
Germans will fight for visas in order to come to us and spend foreign currency". I'm not sure but I think that the word
"švaba" used here is a derogatory word for Germans. I know that the singer isn't racist though, because he was born in
Germany and used to be a German language teacher.

I really like the music video for this song, because I can't watch
it without laughing and the music reminds me of summer.

Hladno Pivo are without doubt my favourite Croatian band. My most listened to song this week, however, is not a song by
Hladno Pivo but a song by Brkovi. Brkovi are a Croatian turbofolk-punkrock band from Zagreb. Don't ask me what turbofolk-
punkrock is, because I don't know how to explain it. But I like this kind of music nevertheless and my favourite song by
Brkovi at the moment is "Nisam ja za tebe" (I'm not the one for

I love this song because it's really funny. The singer is trying to explain to a girl why he wouldn't make a good boyfriend
for her. He says, for example, "You have long hair and you're really young, but I'm an old bald idiot". I really like this
sort of humour, but I don't know what it's called in Croatian. In English we call it "self-deprecating humour".

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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4667 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 75 of 292
04 March 2015 at 10:40pm | IP Logged 
Yesterday I mainly just posted an updated version of my second text, which was
corrected by two nice people at lang-8. Whatever else I've said was so profound that
I've forgotten it already :D

Koja ti je najslušanija pjesma na ipodu? Kada si je otkrila? Zašto je voliš?

Nisam znala koja pjesma mi je najslušanija na ipodu, pa sam pogledala na lastfm-u i ta
stranica mi je objavila da mi je najslušanija pjesma "Zimmer Frei" od Hladnog Piva.
Hladno Pivo je hrvatski rock sastav iz Zagreba. "Zimmer Frei" je prva pjesma na
hrvatskom jeziku koju sam ikada kupila, pa mislim da mi je ona najslušanija zato što
sam je sto puta poslušala da razumijem tekst.

"Zimmer Frei" naravno nije hrvatski izraz. To je njemački izraz koji znači da
gostionica nije prepuna, nego da ima praznih soba. Dok sam putovala po Hrvatskoj,
često sam vidjela ovakve plakate izvan kuća, naročito na obali. Mislim da su takvi
plakati najčešće na njemačkom (a ne na engleskom) zbog toga što su Nijemci povijesno
bili najčešći posjetitelji u Hrvatskoj.

U pjesmi se radi o turizamu i o tome kako će biti divno kada bi turizam u Hrvatskoj
jednoga dana uspio: "To će biti taj dan! Objesi "Zimmer Frei", lezi pod palmu i
uživaj!". Najviše mi se sviđa linija "Slavonija će biti golf teren". Slavonija je dio
Hrvatske koji nema mnogo turista zato što nema mora, pa je ta linija smiješna jer
podrazumijeva da je jedina privlačna osobina Slavonije to što je zemlja prilično ravna
i, dakle, možda bi bila dobro mjesto za golf teren.

Kao što su sve pjesme od Hladnog Piva, mislim da je i ova malo ironična. U drugoj
kitici se čuje: "Debele švabe će se tući za vize, da dođu do nas i potroše devize".
Nisam sigurna, ali mislim da je "švabo" nepristojna riječ za Nijemca. Znam da pjevač,
međutim, nije rasista, jer je rođen u Njemačkoj I nekada je bio profesor njemačkog

Jako mi se sviđa spot ove pjesme zato što ga ne mogu gledati bez smijeha i glazba me
podsjeti na ljeto.

Hladno Pivo su bez sumnje moj omiljeni hrvatski bend. Moja najslušanija pjesma ovog
tjedna, međutim, nije pjesma od Hladnog Piva, nego od Brkova. Brkovi su hrvatski
turbofolk-punkrock sastav iz Zagreba. Nemojte me pitati što je "turbofolk-punkrock",
jer ne znam kako da to objasnim! Ali takva glazba mi se ipak sviđa i moja omiljena
pjesma od Brkova trenutačno je "Nisam ja za tebe".

Ovu pjesmu volim jer je jako smiješna. Pjevač pokušava objasniti jednoj djevojčici
zašto on ne bi bio dobar dečko za nju. Naprimjer, on kaže: "Ti imaš dugu kosu i jako
si mlada, a ja sam stara ćelava budala". Jako mi se sviđa ovakav humor, ali ne znam
kako se to kaže na hrvatskom. Na engleskom se to kaže "self-deprecating humour".

Those two corrected texts take me to 911 words.

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Joined 3864 days ago

106 posts - 205 votes 
Speaks: Serbian*, English
Studies: Italian, Mandarin, Romanian, Persian

 Message 76 of 292
04 March 2015 at 11:51pm | IP Logged 
Radioclare wrote:

- I am utterly confused about whether grapes are singular "grožđe" or plural "grožđa"
in Croatian. I realised this halfway through writing the paragraphs of grapes and
couldn't figure it out. I'm still not sure what the answer is so I'm just not going to
write about grapes again :D

"grozd" is singular, "grožđe" is plural. :)

-Pojeo sam jedan grozd. = I ate one grape.

-Jeo sam grožđe. = I ate grapes.

-Najeo sam se grožđa. = (I'm full because of all the grapes I ate.(*not the most accurate translation)) I wish I could tell you what case this is, but I honestly don't know.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
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689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 77 of 292
05 March 2015 at 8:00pm | IP Logged 
nikolic993 wrote:
"grozd" is singular, "grožđe" is plural. :)

-Pojeo sam jedan grozd. = I ate one grape.

-Jeo sam grožđe. = I ate grapes.

-Najeo sam se grožđa. = (I'm full because of all the grapes I ate.(*not the
most accurate translation)) I wish I could tell you what case this is, but I honestly
don't know.

THANK YOU :) :) :) I understand it now! I was assuming that "grozđe" was singular
and therefore that the plural was "grozđa", which is why I had so many errors with it
in my text. I may now have the confidence to write about grapes again :)
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United Kingdom
Joined 4667 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 78 of 292
08 March 2015 at 11:17am | IP Logged 
The most exciting thing this week has been that my favourite Croatian band have a new
single :)

Vjeruj u mene

Last night I had a marathon Budva-watching session and got through the first three
episodes of series three.

(Serpent - don't read the rest of the post as it may spoil some storylines!)

Series three picks up six months after where series two left off. I thought we were
going to have an eternal summer in Budva but now it is actually winter. Everywhere
still looks amazingly sunny and there hasn't been any rain, but some of the characters
are wearing jackets and one of the girls even had a woolly hat, which seemed a little
bit excessive as it looked like it might still be about 15 degrees :D

The mood seems to have darkened too and things aren't going as well for some of the
characters as they were during the summer. The main storyline is that one of the
unmarried female characters has realised that she's pregnant and the reactions to this
have been amazing. First of all she announced it to her best female friend, and she
started dancing around the room singing "There's going to be a wedding!". Perhaps not
quite the same reaction we would have in the UK :)

The girl herself seemed to think this would be the natural course of events and went
off to tell her boyfriend. He wasn't quite so thrilled and - I think - suggested that
she have an abortion. I had learned the verb 'abortirati' but he kept using a verb
which sounded like 'očistiti'. Anyway, she burst into tears and he went home to tell
his family about the situation. Interestingly, no one seemed to be annoyed with him
and they all naturally assumed that he was indeed going to get married.

The boy spent an episode or two moping around in a moody fashion because he didn't
want to get married. Eventually his family held a vote(!) and decided that he had to
get married because this was the only option that wouldn't bring shame on the family.
They also decided that he, his new wife and the baby would come and live in their
family home. This would be the tiny family home in which we already have living the
boy's grandad, his dad, his aunt and his aunt's boyfriend.

The boy eventually became reconciled to the idea of getting married, but in the
meantime the girl had decided to get an abortion after all. I'm assuming by the speed
at which she was able to arrange this that abortion is legal in Montenegro and pretty
easily obtainable. Her father managed to stop her going out of the door and eventually
we were treated to a bizarre scene where the two families sat down together to discuss
the details of the marriage. It was interesting(?) that despite the fact that the main
plot of the series is built around the fact that these two families are feuding, there
was one thing that they did agree on: that the baby was going to be a boy. Whenever
the girl who is pregnant tried to suggest that there was a chance that it might
actually be a girl, everyone's reaction was pretty much to laugh and brush the idea
off. The idea of having a male successor seemed to very important to both sides. I'm
really hoping it will be born a girl to spite them all :D

Anyway, the marriage negotiations were quite fraught. I missed a few sentences and
then next thing I knew, the girl's father had gone to a drawer and pulled out a
handgun. I thought he was so pissed off that he was going to shoot the boy's father
and grandfather. But instead, the boy's grandfather produced a similar weapon from his
trousers (seriously!) and then they both ran outside onto a balcony and started
shooting into the air!!!! As far as I can tell, this was some sort of celebratory
gunfire and signalled that the discussions had been concluded and the engagement was

I am trying and failing to imagine my dad doing this when I got engaged :D

I had a hilarious evening watching this anyway and I am loving the insights into
Montenegrin culture. In some ways I can see a lot of similarities between the Balkans
and Ireland (at least, what Ireland was like when I was a child) but what I find
particularly interesting is that the resolution to situations like the one I have just
described with the pregnancy seems to be driven not by the influence of religion (as
it might have been in Ireland) but by the idea of family honour and the understanding
that all family members will work together to avoid one family member doing something
that will bring disgrace on their (sur)name.

In case you hadn't guessed, I'm completely hooked on this soap now :)
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Joined 4667 days ago

689 posts - 1119 votes 
Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto
Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian

 Message 79 of 292
08 March 2015 at 9:27pm | IP Logged 
Time for an update on the Output Challenge :) First thoughts are that this challenge is HARD! But I am trying to console myself
with the thought that I felt the same way about the listening part of the Super Challenge a few months ago and now I am happily
laughing at Montenegrin soap operas :)

This weekend I decided that I needed to start the speaking element. I mentioned in the Output Challenge discussion thread that I
was going to start with reading aloud, as I have had so little practise at physically speaking Croatian that I just want to focus
on practising the sounds for the time being rather than trying to think of something grammatical to say at the same time.

As threatened, I have started by reading 'Twilight'. Sorry! There are several reasons for this, the first of which is that I have
it as a pdf so it's easy to read on screen while recording my voice on the computer. The second is that out of all the books I
have, it's probably the one in which I understand the largest percentage of the vocabulary due to the vocabulary being so simple,
so theoretically it should be the easiest to get my tongue around.

I was looking to see whether I could get an audiobook of 'Twilight' in Croatian, as I thought it might be useful to read a page
aloud and then listen to the same page read by a native speaker to identify where I was making mistakes, particularly with stress
and emphasis. Unfortunately I can't find an audiobook anywhere on the internet (either to buy or as a torrent) so I'm assuming that
one doesn't actually exist. I do have an audiobook and a pdf of 'Fifty Shades Darker' which I could theoretically do this exercise
with, but I'm struggling to work up enough enthusiasm for it.

Anyway, yesterday I read the first chapter of Twilight aloud (77 minutes) and this morning I read the second chapter aloud (63
minutes). So in total I have 2 hours 20 minutes spoken time now. Oh my goodness, I had forgotten how slow reading aloud is!
To start with it was pretty painful and I had that nasty feeling like during sight-reading in a music exam when you're never quite
sure if you're going to cope with what jumps out at you from the next line. But over the course of all that time I think it got a
little bit easier. I listened to a tiny bit of it back to check it had recorded and it sounded truly dreadful, partly because I've
had a weird cold/cough this week and so sound quite breathless on the recording.

This afternoon it was time for some writing. I went with rdearman's next writing prompt:

What is one of your favourite quotes?

Koji je jedan od tvojih omiljenih citata?

Nisam sigurna da li imam omiljeni citat. Za mene su citati kao šale: mogu ih slušati, se smijati i onda posve zaboraviti. Međutim,
prije otprilike deset godina imala sam citat nakraj svojih epošta. Ne znam zašto je tako bilo, ali je to dotad bilo mondeno. Moj
citat je bio na engleskom „Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be counted“. Ne znam kako se
to kaže na hrvatskom. Možda „Ne sve što je prebrojivo vrijedi. Ne sve što vrijedi je prebrojivo“. Vjerovala sam da je to citat od
Alberta Einsteina, premda sada kada sam ga tražila na Guglu čitala sam da to možda nije istina. Nije važno. Citat mi se ipak sviđa,
jer sam profesionalne revizor i dok sam bila pripravnica, često sam morala prisustovati inventuru i brojiti bezbrojne male
predmete. Jedanput sam brojala vijake, jedanpute gumene vrpce, i još se sjećam nekoga kišovitoga Silvestrova kada sam morala cijeli
dan stajati napolju da brojim aute. Posao mi se još uvijek ne sviđa, ali sam ga dotle vrlo mrzila, pa me je malo razvedrilo to što
mogu misliti na taj citat i sjetiti se da one stvari koje brojim nisu najvažnije stvari na svijetu.


I'm not sure whether I have a favourite quote. Quotes are like jokes for me: I can listen to them, laugh and then completely
forget them. However, about ten years ago I had a quote at the end of my emails. I don't know why it was, but at that time it was
fashionable to do that. My quote was in English "Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be
counted". I don't know how to say that in Croatian. Perhaps "Ne sve što je prebrojivo vrijedi. Ne sve što vrijedi je prebrojivo“. I
thought that that was a quote from Albert Einstein, although when I googled it now I read that that perhaps isn't true. It doesn't
matter. I like the quote nevertheless, because professionally I am an auditor and when I was a trainee I often had to attend stock
takes and count countless little objects. Once I counted screws, one time elastic bands, and I still remember one rainy New Year's
Eve when I had to stand outside all day in order to count cars. I still don't enjoy my job but at that time I really hated it, so
it cheered me up a little bit that I could think of that quote and remember that those things which I was counting were not the
most important things in the world

As you can see, I quickly hit a mental block with this topic and managed a mere 205 words. Oops. I decided that was a poor
effort for one week so I moved onto the next prompt:

What's your favourite indoor/outdoor activity?

Koja je tvoja omiljena unutarnja/vanjska zabava?

Moja omiljena unutarnja zabava je čitanje. Otkada sam imala pet godina i naučila sam čitati, to mi je bilo omiljeni način da
provedem vrijeme. Dok sam bila dijete, majka me je uvijek probala natjerati da idem vani i igram u vrtu, ali sam ja uvijek više
voljela sjediti sama u sobi s dobrom knjigom.

Kao dijete i tinedžer uglavnom sam čitala klasičnu englesku književnost. Voljela sam knjige poput „Anne od Zelena Zabata“, „Ponos i
predrasude“ i „Sajam taštine”. Nisam imala dovoljno novca da kupim nove knjige, pa sam svaki mjesec išla u mjesnu knjižnicu s
tatom. Knjižnica je dozvolila da ljudi pozajme samo četiri knjige istovremeno. Oduvijek sam čitala brzo, pa nije dugo trajalo dok
nisam pročitala svaku novu knjigu. Navikla sam da pročitam svaku novu knjigu barem tri puta.

Kada sam imala jedanaest godina već sam uspjela pročitati sve dječje knjige u knjižnici, ali nije bilo dozvoljeno pozajmiti knjige
za odrasle dok nema četrnaest godina. Tata je morao ukrasti člansku kartu moje majke da pozajmi nove knjige za mene. Čitala sam
mnogo zanimljivih knjiga, ali mislim da sam ponekad razumjela riječi, ali ne značenje te riječi. Sjećam se da sam nekad pročitala
knjigu „Jane Eyre” I poslije toga sam napisala esej o tome u školi. Napisala sam da ne razumijem zašto svi kažu da je ta knjiga
romantična, jer se nakraj mlada žena uda za starog slijepog muškarca. Naravno sam otada mnogo puta ponovno čitala tu knjigu i kao
odrasla osoba ne više dijelim isto mišljenje!

Kada sam imala osamnaest godina, počela sam učiti njemački jezik i za devetnaesti rođendan prijatelj mi je poslao knjigu na
njemačkom. To sada zvuči malo čudno, ali je to bio ne samo prvi put da sam vidjela knjigu koja je napisana na stranom jeziku, nego
i prvi put da sam saznala da postoji na svijetu knjige koje nisu napisane na engleskom. Knjiga je bila „Žena kojoj sam čitao” od
Bernharda Schlinka, koja je vrlo dobra knjiga, premda mislim da nije najlakša kada nikada nisam ništa čitala na stranom jeziku.
Trajalo je skoro tri mjeseci dok nisam je pročitala. Čitanje je bilo mučno, ali sada mislim da je ta knjiga mi promijenila život.
Otkrila sam novi svijet.

Ne bavim se sportom, ali je moja omiljena vanjska zabava oduvijek bilo pješačenje. Ovih dana na žalost ne više imam mnogo prilika
za to, ali dok sam bila dijete uvijek sam provela barem dva tjedna svake godine na planini, naročito na Alpima. Svičarska je bila
prva strana zemlja koju sam ikada posjetila i odmah sam se zaljubila u nju. Volim čisti planinski zrak, volim lijepe alpske cvijeće
i volim poglede na ledenjake. Mislim da se nisam nikada osjetila tako živa i ždrava od kada sam bila tamo u prirodi. Radujem se što
ću ove godine ponovno imati priliku putovati u Svičarsku. To neće biti odmor za pješačenje, ali sam ipak sretna što ću ponovno
vidjeti takav lijepi pejzaž.


My favourite indoor activity is reading. Since I was five years old and learned to read, that has been my favourite way of
spending time. When I was a child, my mother always used to try and make me go outside and play in the garden, but I always
preferred to sit alone in a room with a good book.

As a child and as a teenager I mainly read the classics of English literature. I loved books like "Anne of Green Gables", "Pride
and Prejudice" and "Vanity Fair". I didn't have enough money to buy new books, so every month I went to the local library with my
dad. The library only allowed people to borrow four books at the same time. I've always read quickly, so it didn't take long until
I'd read each new book. I got into the habit of reading each book at least three times.

When I was 11 years old I had already succeeded in reading all the books in the children's section of the library, but it wasn't
permitted to borrow adult books until you were 14. My dad had to steal my mother's library card to borrow new books for me. I read
lots of interesting books, but I think that I sometimes understood the words but not the meaning of them. I remember that I once
read the book "Jane Eyre" and afterwards wrote an essay about it at school. I wrote that I didn't understand why everyone said that
that was a romantic book, because at the end the young woman marries an old blind man. Of course, since then I have read the book
again many times and as an adult I no longer share the same opinion!

When I was 18 years old, I started to learn the German language and for my nineteenth birthday a friend sent me a book in German.
It sounds a bit strange now, but that was not only the first time that I saw a book which was written in a foreign language, but
also the first time that I realised that there exist in the world books which are not written in English. The book was "The Reader"
by Bernhard Schlink, which is a very good book, although I think it's not the easiest when you have never read anything in a
foreign language before. It took almost three months for me to read it. Reading was painful, but now I think that that book changed
my life. I discovered a new world.

I don't go in for sport, but my favourite outdoor activity has always been hiking. These days I unfortunately no longer have much
chance to do it, but when I was a child I always spent at least two weeks each year in the mountains, particularly in the Alps.
Switzerland was the first foreign country which I ever visited, and I immediately fell in love with it. I love the clean mountain
air, I love the beautiful alpine flowers and I love the views of the glaciers. I don't think I've ever felt so alive and healthy
than when I've been there. I'm looking forward to the fact that this year I'll have the opportunity to go to Switzerland again.
That won't be a hiking holiday, but I'm nevertheless happy that I'll see such a beautiful landscape again.

That one was 487 words, so a better effort. In total by my calculations that brings me to 1603 words.

Edited by Radioclare on 08 March 2015 at 9:38pm

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 Message 80 of 292
08 March 2015 at 9:46pm | IP Logged 
Time for an update on the Output Challenge :) First thoughts are that this challenge is HARD!

If it was easy, it wouldn't be a challenge!!!! Still you're doing better than me, and you're an inspiration for me to get back to work!

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