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The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 1 of 844 19 August 2009 at 9:39pm | IP Logged |
Page 103 is where TAC 2015 posts begin.
Finally decided to make a log here charting my progress on the two languages.
Korean: I started this back in February/March, but it was mainly learning some
phrases in Elementary Korean chapters 1 and 2, learning hangeul, and watching K
Mainly the latter (if it wasn't for Song Hye Gyo, I don't think I would've watched K
dramas or started as early.) When school ended in early May, well, I had plans to
more, but instead, I just ended up watching a lot of K dramas. Finally in July I
started to actually do some studying, getting rid of all the factors that stopped my
progress: doing exercises from the books. I always got frustrated and that's why I
never did anything. So since last month I've gone through Elementary Korean and most
Integrated Korean beginner series (halfway through book 2.)
How I study Korean: I write down vocab on paper and review it as much as I can, only
studying the ones I don't know. I read the grammar rules, mainly learning what certain
particles mean and how they work, nothing more. I mainly learn through translation, as
I read a sentence, read the English translation, and reread the Korean sentence,
helping me learn new vocab and grammar and cementing what I already now. I also have a
year's subscription to Korean Class 101 and listen to lessons on the way home from
school. I also make sure I listen to Korean everyday, via tv, iPod, music, etc.
Japanese: I've wanted to study it for years since I like anime, manga, and JRPGs.
Finally started in May by learning hiragana. Also did katakana, but I only know 1/2-
since it's not used very much. Didn't do much until July besides continuing to listen
to the language through music and anime.
How I learn Japanese: Heisig's RTK. I'm only on lesson 12, hoping to finish the book
the end of September, but since things happen, October will be the most realistic
Right now, aside from RTK, I'm using Japanese For Everyone and Japanese Pod 101. I
mainly learn Japanese the same as Korean + RTK.
Mainly for the rest of the year, I'll be mainly focusing on input, working on output
next year once I have an intermediate passive knowledge of the languages. Right now
Korean is my focus, but I still study them about the same. Next year, Japanese will be
in the forefront, mainly because I need to "take" 4 classes of Japanese in college;
self-studying to test out of the classes and save my dad money and save me time. Next
year I also plan to start Mandarin in May, so I have a lot to look forward to.
Anyways, I'll keep this updated every few days. I can only do a little Tuesday-
since those are days I have class, so mainly Friday-Monday will be the bulk of my
language learning.
Edited by The Real CZ on 23 December 2014 at 3:09pm
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 2 of 844 25 August 2009 at 12:00am | IP Logged |
This weekend sucked and I didn't get much done. On Friday, I did some RTK (chapter 13) and finished the anime Girls High (eps 9-12) and also watched episode 14 of The Last Scandal of My Life. Saturday I worked from 11 am to 7:45 pm, so all I got done was passive listening (Japanese.) Sunday I went through Integrated Korean Beginning Book 2, Chapter 13. Also did part of RTK chapter 14, but decided to watch the latest episode of Infinity Challenge (love that show.) Today all I've gotten is passive listening in Korean since I spent around two and a half hours reading my school textbooks.
Here's hoping I have a more productive week this week.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 3 of 844 30 August 2009 at 8:55am | IP Logged |
I've been swamped with school and work (mainly work.) Really, listening and a few kanji a day are I've been getting in. Next weekend I work all four days, so I probably won't get much substantial studying until mid to late September. I have no problem juggling school and studying the foreign languages (I generally stay ahead in my school studies), but the 300% increase in hours isn't really helping.
Anyways, been watching Queen Seon Duk. I can see how that's getting a 40% rating. I'm only through episode 8 and I'm already loving it.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 4 of 844 13 September 2009 at 5:30am | IP Logged |
시간이 없어요.
Been pretty busy with school lately since I have a couple of tests coming up. I did plan on doing a lot this weekend, but I realized I didn't have the time since I have tests to study for. So for now, I'm doing a little of actual studying and listening to more podcasts from JapanesePod101 and KoreanClass101.
It took me a long time to be able to type in Korean because the language bar never shows up. I have to mess around for it to show up, and I'd have to say it's a pain.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 5 of 844 18 September 2009 at 9:07pm | IP Logged |
I've started the scriptorium and I like it so far. I decided that I've been silent long enough (since I have listened to both languages a lot vefore I started my studies, so no need to keep quiet.) I realized I remember the grammar that's most basic and the stuff that's used the most, not the more "advanced" stuff I learned, which is probably in part because I hate doing the exercises, so scriptorium is taking their place.
Continuing to use JapanesePod101 and KoreanClass101, along with my textbooks. My plan is to continue at a somewhat slow pace, doing something little on Tuesday and Wednesday and doing more on the weekends (I only go to school three days.)
Also, starting to passively listen to Mandarin a little bit everyday now. Super Junior M's "Super Girl" is addicting. I'll admit I only watched the MV because SNSD's Jessica is in it, but the song is good for a pop song.
Anyways, I hope to do a good amount of studying this weekend.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 6 of 844 13 October 2009 at 4:17am | IP Logged |
Mainly working on vocab for now. Using smart fm's 6000 words and bought a korean pocket dictionary sort of thing that has around ~6000 words (it does have 6000, but a lot are repeats because they'll have the same word twice, one for a noun and one for a verb, or some other way.) I was trying to just straight up memorize them, but I've been trying mnemonic sentences to remember the words and for Korean, I remembered 90% and Japanese 40% (Trying 180 in a day for one language isn't a good idea.)
I plan on restarting RTK1 since it's been a long break since I last used it regularly.
Mainly listening to Jpop101 and Kc101 when I have time. Using the textbooks sparingly (mainly for scriptorium...when I do it.)
School and my recent health problems, but mainly Korean dramas have kept me from doing a lot of language study.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 7 of 844 06 November 2009 at 12:12am | IP Logged |
I've been using Shared Talk and have been practicing Korean a little bit everyday, either through chatting with people on the site, Windows Live/MSN Messenger, or by email. Can't say the same for Japanese, since I've only chatted with a few.
Practicing scriptorium more, since my written Korean is very limited at this point in time. Going through vocab at a good pace, and using mnemonics is helping me save a lot of time.
December is the month where I plan to devote a lot of time to studying both (since the semester will be over) and work on speaking much, much more.
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| The Real CZ Senior Member United States Joined 5732 days ago 1069 posts - 1495 votes     Speaks: English* Studies: Japanese, Korean
| Message 8 of 844 02 December 2009 at 2:21am | IP Logged |
I had email contacts with some Koreans, and all but one has stopped emailing for the time being. It's painful to see how weak my active skills in Korean are. Still having a hard time trying to chat with Japanese people on Shared Talk.
If anything, I think my listening is getting better in Korean and probably surpassing my listening in Japanese, though I don't know what most of the words mean, it doesn't sound like gibberish anymore. I spent Thanksgiving vacation watching plenty of Korean dramas and a handful of movies, most of them having Lee Yeon Hee in them (>.>).
December 2009 Goals
Korean - Continue learning vocab and grammar. Work on speaking and writing a lot more.
Japanese - Continue learning vocab and grammar, restart the kanji. Work on speaking.
Well, the bulk of it will come after the 10th, which is the last day for finals for me. I actually need to study and practice math for once. I feel ashamed as an Asian for saying that (just kidding.) But yeah, I'll try to do some of the stuff everyday, but the majority of my studying will come after the 10th.
For dramas I plan on finishing this month, they are: East of Eden, Return of Iljimae, and You're Beautiful. I also plan on watching the Japanese drama Atashinchi no Danshi (if I spelled it right...Japanese words are too long through romaji for me to remember.)
I also plan to try various techniques for speaking practice, since I haven't tried it very much aside from singing songs, saying random words, and easy sentences.
Edited by The Real CZ on 08 December 2009 at 9:28pm
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