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Super Challenge Registration/ Update 2012

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 Message 345 of 656
08 June 2012 at 8:35pm | IP Logged 
Hahaha alright! Count me in for Advanced Super in German!!
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 Message 346 of 656
10 June 2012 at 10:43am | IP Logged 
Week 6 Update (stuff read/watched previously in italics)


1. Ozamu Tezuka's Metropolis
2. Babylon 5 Season 1 Episodes 1-2
3. Babylon 3 Season 1 Episodes 3-4
4. Gremlins
5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

6. Love My Life

Only one film since the last update - Love My Life. This a sweet LGBT movie set in Japan (don't think it actually says where) and as well as being an engaging story, it's also an interesting look into LGBT life in Japan. Watched with English subs as they couldn't be turned off on the DVD I have. I found the female characters more difficult to understand than the men, but as they were in the film more, that improved as it went on.


1. 齋藤孝のイッキによめる!名作選 小学1年生
2. Grader Readers Level 1 vols 2 and 3
3. まんが日本昔ばなし 16-20

4. 図書館ねこヂューイ (Dewey the Library Cat: A True Story)
+ four volumes of One Piece manga

I ditched the more difficult reader and decided to read to read a book about cats instead. When I bought this (online) I didn't realise it was a translation. There are several books about Dewey - from what I can tell, this is a translation of the first kids book. This is the true story of a kitten abandoned in the returns box at the library. It's taken me a while to read it, but I think I got quite a lot from it. Having one continuous story is really good (the other books I've read so far have short stories). Worth a look if it's translated into your target language.


Haven't updated in a bit as it's been mad at work and I've got exams this week. I've tried to carve out at least a little bit of Japanese reading time everyday, and it's been really nice to have that little moment of calm in the day. When my second exam is over on Thursday morning, I plan to come home and have a Japanese day for the rest of the day - will definitely got some movies in then.

I'm really enjoying the challenge, and though it's taken me a long time to get through this latest book, I've felt an improvement in that time in terms of how much more comfortable I am reading in Japanese.
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 Message 347 of 656
10 June 2012 at 11:01am | IP Logged 
50/50 challenge. Started : 5/06/2012


Bande Dessinée

Les Geeks, tome 1,     pages 36 (7.2) - 8/06/2012
Les Geeks, tome 2,     pages 37 (7.4) - 8/06/2012
Les Geeks, tome 3,     pages 36 (7.2) - 9/06/2012
Les Geeks, tome 4,     pages 36 (7.2) - 10/06/2012
Kid Paddle, tome 1,     pages 42 (8.4) - 10/06/2012

Total 37.4 pages

I'm also 59 pages into the French translation of my favorite trilogy "The Night's Dawn" by my favorite author Peter F. Hamilton. The trilogy runs about 3200 pages in English. It's a big space opera with many many intertwined sub-plots. For the French translation each book is broken into 2 books. The first part is "Rupture dans le Réel: Emergence" and it is 620 pages long.

While I'm a long way from understanding everything I can understand enough that it's not tedious to read. Occasionally I hit whole paragraphs I don't understand but they tend to be the detailed descriptive sections about the environment that are superfluous to the story (Peter Hamilton can get overly descriptive about the environment sometimes and that has carried over with the translation).

I think the fact that there is a lot of made up language for all the futuristic tech actually helps, because those words generally remain recognisable in the translated version. Generally I just keep reading unless I feel I've missed something major. If that happens I'll lookup words one by one until I can get the gist of things. I don't like to lookup to much in the dictionary otherwise I don't remeber the words I've looked up. Other times I'll go back a couple of paragraphs because the later text makes something I didn't totally understand the first time click into place.

One thing I've learnt from past mistakes is that I have to read something I actually want to read. I've tried the first Harry Potter book a couple of times in French and I've never gotten through more than 5 pages. I just have no interest in it. I have the same disinterest in the often recommended L'Étranger and Le Petite Prince (and also with readers and childrens books). So while this book is arguably tougher I'm enjoying reading it, which makes a huge difference as far as maintaining my reading goes.

The bande dessinée I have read so far is all humourous and makes use of a single page per joke format.

Les Geeks is about a group of geek friends. It covers; computers, comics, gaming and general geek culture. If you find the fact that the first 3 tomes use page numbering in Binary, Hex and Base 3 respectively you'll enjoy them. Likewise if you enjoy the likes of Ctrl-Alt-Del, Penny Arcade or VG Cats. Lots of (geek) pop-culture references.

Kid Paddle is about Kid Paddle, a young gamer. This one isn't full of obvious pop-culture references like Les Geeks. It's all made up games and gaming related antics.

They're both funny but Les Geeks has greater appeal to me. Pretty much every joke they've made seems to be based on something that I'm familiar with from my 20s.



Bon Cop, Bad Cop (111 minutes, qFR/EN with qFR subs) - 7/06/2012
Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (101 minutes, FR no subs) - 9/06/2012

I've seen Bon Cop, Bad Cop several times now. It's a buddy-cop movie where a French Canadian cop is paired up with an English Canadian cop. At this point, with subs, I understand about 90% of the French without having to pause to read the subs. Which probably just shows I've watched it to many times.

I've found that generally each time I watch it again there are a couple of extra sentences I completely understand that I didn't get the previous time, which is one of the reasons I keep watching it again and again.

I deffinitely have to turn the subs off completely next time I watch this. I'll probably only get 20% of the French then.

Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec. I've watched this once before with English subs. I have to say that with no-subs it's a real struggle for me to understand. I could only catch the odd word most of the time, but there were occasional parts where I understood a couple of sentences together. I've always know my listening is weaker than my reading, this film deffinitely reminded me of that fact. I'm just going to link the trailer rather than try an summarise it: Bande Annonce

In the future I want to mix up the use of subtitles more. I need to try English subs with French audio and see how well I do like that. I'll probably have to double watch things, once with subs and then without to see if it's actually helping my listening.

Firefly - Our Mrs. Reynolds (43 minutes, FR no subs) - 10/06/2012
NCIS - Season 1, Episode 1 (42 minutes, FR no subs) - 10/06/2012

I'm pretty familiar with both these series so my "understanding" was much greater than for the last movie. I'm not sure wether that's good or bad. Knowing what's going to be said in places means I'm ready and listening for the French version of the words (or something close enough as far as the translators were concerned) and I think that helps. But I'm not sure if it's actually helping or if I'm just remembering what's going on so I feel like I'm doing better. It's certainly less tiring to watch something I've seen before in English at any rate.

Total 297 minutes

Here endeth the long "first progress report" post.

Edited by Eagle32 on 10 June 2012 at 12:06pm

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 Message 348 of 656
11 June 2012 at 12:22pm | IP Logged 
watched a Korean sexy comedy - sex is zero 2
t'was quite funny, but don't give it your kid to watch.

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 Message 349 of 656
11 June 2012 at 9:27pm | IP Logged 
Serpent wrote:
My goals for the last week of the 6WC:
-Polish: 25 films (currently 18) and 10 books (currently 8)
-Italian: 10% (currently 9% with 17 films and 57 book pages. 10% would be 20 films or 19 films and one book)
done, apart from Polish books. only 9.
in the process of watching the 26th Polish "film" and did some Polish/Italian LR for two movies and 100 pages as of now. When the 6WC ends I'll do Romanian/Italian, Danish/German and Romanian/Polish (I have the first three HP books in Italian, German and Polish respectively). Should be interesting.
Oh and I have 11% Italian now :)

I also can't waaaait to read in Portuguese and Italian when the 6WC ends.
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 Message 350 of 656
12 June 2012 at 3:35am | IP Logged 
Japanese Books

1. HunterxHunter treasures vol.1 manga 788 pages=157 pages
2. HunterxHunter treasures vol.2 manga 520 pages=104 pages

French Books

1. Easy French Reader 100 pages

French Movies

1. Le Roi Lion

French Movies

1. Le Roi Lion

I thought this was pretty well done. I could only understand maybe 5% of it, which is why I picked a kids movie that I'm familiar with. Scar when he was speaking slowly and enunciating in order to seem sinister was by far the easiest to understand. So I guess the lesson is I need more movies with sinister characters?
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 Message 351 of 656
12 June 2012 at 8:09am | IP Logged 
When I tackled "Hunger Games" in Spanish I wasn't sure I'd ever get through all 374 pages.

Today I finished book two of the Hunger Games series "Catching Fire" (En Llamas), 391 pages of Spanish in four days! I can't believe how much this challenge is helping my reading comprehension!

I should go back a re-read Harry Potter, which I read before the challenge. It took me several months the first time. I can't wait to see how fast I can get through it a second time!

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TAC 2010 Winner
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 Message 352 of 656
12 June 2012 at 8:27am | IP Logged 
Update #12

61/100 Films

"Le dîner de cons"

"19-2", Season 1 (10 Episodes of 45 min each)

"30 Vies", Season 2 (60 episodes of 22 min each)
"30 Vies", Season 1 (60 episodes of 22 min each)

"Toute la vérité", Season 3 (10 episodes of 45 min each)
"Toute la vérité", Season 2 (20 episodes of 45 min each)
"Toute la vérité", Season 1 (20 episodes of 45 min each)


Watched the classic French comedy "Le dîner de cons". I had watched it before several times but this was the first time
with no sub-titles so it was more challenging to follow all details. I can't say exactly what percentage I understood
because I knew the story so well from previous viewings. It is highly recommended if you haven't seen it. It is about a
group of friends in Paris who have regular dinner parties where they compete by trying to bring the dumbest idiot as a
guest without telling the guest this of course. The principal character finds the ultimate idiot but never makes it to the
dinner because he gets stuck in his apartment with him. The movie was remade in English under the name "The dinner
game" and is an absolutely awful movie, they even made it 40 min longer than the original to compound the error.

Finished watching the first season of a series called "19-2" which is about
police officers in Montreal, as in patrol car 2 of 19 division. I was disappointed to find that with this series my
comprehension level has dropped about 20 percentage points compared to '30 Vies' and 'Toute la vérité' which is partly
because I had watched those two series before and was accustomed to the characters. Perhaps it is also the informal
banter of street cops compared to teachers and lawyers. I felt my 80-90% comprehension of 'Toute la vérité' had been
rolled back to 60-70% in this series. I suppose that means I should watch more of it but I just don't like the series as much
as the other two.

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