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tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1425 of 1511 19 April 2015 at 4:22am | IP Logged |
DE: Ich habe natürlich weiter gelesen in meinem Buch, aber dieses ist jetzt völlig
wirr; ich weiß überhaupt nicht mehr, wer nun jetzt wen getötet hat und warum, und weil
der Hauptperson wirklich übel ist von all sein Koks, die er zu sich nimmt, fangt es
damit auch an ein bisschen blöd zu werden. Aber ich möchte gerne Schluss damit machen,
bevor meine Eltern mich hier besuchen; dann gibt es mehr Platz in meinem Reisegepäck.
ZH:我也学了汉字,因为我还听不东很多课文。 所以我用Heisig学习汉字。优点满,但是我需要 汉字。
我回国的时候想看二千汉字,左右。现在我会 看差不多五百.
EO: Mi ankaŭ komencis lerni Esperanton, ĉar mi pensas iri en la Hungario en la somero,
por viziti la Internacionalan Junularan Semajnon. Pro tio mi bezonas paroli Esperanton
ĉu Esperantistoj. Kiel mi sukcesus, mi nescias. Sed mi ŝatas Esperanton multe! Estas
la pli facila lingvo en la mundo.
EL: Έγραψα στα ελληνικά επίσης, γιατί έχω ένο φίλο απο τα Ιοάννινα. Κι σχεδιάζω να
γράψω το επόμενο κείμενο στο μπλογ μου στα ελληνικά.
IT: Dopo avere letto Adler und Engel, penso leggere il Piccolo Principe nell'italiano.
Non sera molto difficile per me. Ma devo fare attenzione alle strutture grammaticale
contenute nel libro, perciò le forme sintattiche mi appaiano molto straniere.
EN: And last of all I have to study some Korean for my upcoming trip there at the end
of July, but it will just be a refresher of the Korean I've already learnt in order to
tourist there. And no, I cannot write this part in Korean yet. But when I am there I
may be able to.
Edited by tarvos on 20 April 2015 at 1:03am
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1426 of 1511 20 April 2015 at 4:47am | IP Logged |
EO: Hieraŭ mi sukcese aliĝis al Internacionala Junulara Semajno
2015 en Hungario, ĉar mi pensas lerni Esperanton kaj fari amigojn ĉu multoj
Esperantistoj. Por tio mi decidis lerni Esperanton multe bone. Mi esperas ke vi ankaŭ
iros al IJS.
Mi estas lernanto Esperanton ĉu Lernu, tion mi ŝatas multe. Mi volus ricevi vian
ES: Ayer también hablé español con un hombre de Girona, porque el hacía negocies en el
dominio de la educación aquí en China. El mas sorprendo fue que los chinos mi
reclamaban de mi lección, porque "hay un amigo holandés que quiere hacer conocimiento
contigo" pero los chinos no saben hacer la distinción entre los españoles y los
holandeses, que me parece muy extranjero y bizarro. Aunque tenía el placer de hablar
español con él.
Hablé chines con mía profesora también pero no tengo nada de importancia de decir.
EN: I know these tidbits are full of mistakes, especially the Spanish (I speak
terrible Spanish which made that conversation even funnier; his English he said was
worse than my Spanish, so he preferred that we speak Spanish together).
Edited by tarvos on 20 April 2015 at 5:03am
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| Radioclare Triglot Senior Member United Kingdom timeofftakeoff.com Joined 4665 days ago 689 posts - 1119 votes     Speaks: English*, German, Esperanto Studies: Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
| Message 1427 of 1511 20 April 2015 at 11:20pm | IP Logged |
Mi ĝojas legi ke vi eklernas Esperanton. Vi pravas, kompreneble, ke ĝi estas la plej
facila lingvo en la mondo :)
Estas nur kelkaj eraretoj en viaj tekstoj:
EO: Mi komencis lerni ankaŭ Esperanton, ĉar mi pripensas iri
al Hungario en la somero, por viziti la Internacian Junularan Semajnon.
Pro tio mi bezonas paroli Esperanton kun Esperantistoj. Kiel mi sukcesus, mi ne
scias. Sed mi ŝatas Esperanton multe! Estas la plej facila lingvo en la
mondo. |
It's not an error as such, but normally words like ankaŭ and nur are placed directly
before the word they relate to, so their position in a sentence can alter the meaning
of that sentence. Eg. "Ankaŭ mi manĝas ĉokoladan" = I eat chocolate too (in addition
to you eating chocolate), "Mi ankaŭ manĝas ĉokoladon" = I also eat chocolate (in
addition to using it as face paint), "Mi manĝas ankaŭ ĉokoladon" = I also eat
chocolate (in addition to eating sweets and biscuits and ice-cream)
"Pensi" just means "to think" so I changed the verb in your sentence to "pripensi",
which has the meaning to think of, to consider.
"en la somero" is fine, but you could also simple say "somere" or "ĉi-somere" (this
Hieraŭ mi sukcese aliĝis al Internacia Junulara Semajno
2015 en Hungario, ĉar mi emas lerni Esperanton kaj fari amikojn
kun multaj Esperantistoj. Pro tio mi decidis lerni Esperanton
tre bone. Mi esperas ke ankaŭ vi iros al IJS.
Mi lernas Esperanton ĉe Lernu, tion mi ŝatas multe. Mi volus ricevi
viajn korektojn |
I changed the verb "pensi" again. You could simply say "mi volas lerni Esperanton" (I
want to learn Esperanto" or "mi intencas lerni Esperanton" (I intend to learn
Esperanto) but I really like the verb "emi" which conveys the meaning "to feel like
doing something". It comes from the suffix -em which is normally used to denote the
tendency to have a certain characteristic, eg. paroli = to talk, parolema = talkative;
dormi = to sleep, dormema = sleepy. For me the fun bit of Esperanto is how flexible it
is, so I could say "Mi estas dormema" (I'm sleepy), "Mi dormemas" (exactly the same)
or "Mi emas dormi" (I feel like going to sleep").
Mi mem neniam partoprenis IJS-on, sed mi ĉeestis IJK-on en Hungario en 2008 kaj tiu
estis unu el la plej feliĉaj semajnoj de mia ĝis-tiama vivo :) Ĉu vi jam bone sukcesis
rilate al la antaŭpago? Mi memoras ke kiam mi klopodis aliĝi al Esperanto-aranĝo por
la unua fojo mi ege konfuziĝis pri kion fari, do diru se vi bezonas ian helpon!
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1428 of 1511 21 April 2015 at 2:41am | IP Logged |
In French there is "je pense aller" which is what I translated in my brain to Esperanto.
But you could also say "j'ai l'intention d'aller" which is closer to what you described.
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1429 of 1511 23 April 2015 at 3:35am | IP Logged |
DE: Ich habe jetzt Schluss gemacht mit Adler und Engel; es war ein ziemlich
interessantes Buch, aber ich fand's wirr und nur am Ende komt alles richtig zusammen.
Die Chronologie des Buchs (oder eigentlich zwei Geschichte) laufen völlig
durcheinander und es werd damit schwer zu ahnen, wer nun jetzt was getan hat und genau
wann. Nur am Ende komt das alles zusammen und dann wird's auch deutlich. Ich werde
eine langere Beschreibung geben auf meinem Blog; aber darauf musst ihr doch noch
einige Tage warten, damit...
EL: έγραψα ένα κείμενο για την αθεΐα μου. Η αρχή του
κόσμου μας. Έχω κάνει λάθη. Αν τα βλέπετε, με λέτε, σας παρακαλώ. Χρειάζομαι
РУ: У меня тоже был урок по русскому, и в течение его обсудили диалекты - и еще один
текст про путешествинницу в Китае, который я на слух не понимал, а на чтение -
польностью. Наверное, еще стоит слушать больше русский - то, что я перестал делать
несколько месяцев назад, когда я переехал в Чэндэ. Очевидно, не стоило бросить это
дело. Из-за этой ошибки, мне стало видно, что еще есть над чем работать. Не говорю,
что у меня уровень низкий - очевидно, что он адекватен - но надо еще тренировать слух
на русском (как в случае других языков, на самом деле...), и поэтому ищу подкасты для
русских. У вас есть клевые советы? Надо, чтобы самым русским интересно - я уже прошел
мими этот уровень, где все упрощенно для иностранцев.
FR: Et maintenant, j'ai abordé le livre "L'art de la guerre" par Sun Tzu (ou Sun Wu,
comme est son vrai nom; Sun Tzu est un epithète donné grâce au respect que l'ont les
chinois pour son écriture). Et je sais bien que je dois lire ce livre en chinois; en
fait, c'est une édition bilingue, donc à l'avenir j'espère d'en être capable. Or,
maintenant, je ne peux que lire ce livre classique traduit en français (ou anglais
bien sûr, mais j'ai opté pour le français).
EN: I've also got to read Il Piccolo Principe (Le Petit Prince in Italian), but I'm
leaving that for when I'm done with this book. And actually I am running out of books
to read here in China; the only other physical book left is Обломов, and that
is a thick book I want to save for the end of my trip when I'm travelling on trains
and so on, to have something to read. I have some Chinese children's books I can read
(and I am working on Heisig; but my opinion on Heisig which isn't 100% favourable will
come another time), and some Romanian books, but they are all pdfs just like Il
Piccolo Principe and thus unsuitable for bedtime reading (which has been delegated to
L'Art de la Guerre for the time being).
My parents are hopefully bringing me Die Verwandlung by Kafka, giving me extra German
to read; this always comes in handy since I never read much German if at all. The
other problem is that in Chengde they only sell Chinese books (too many unknown
characters which I am now dealing with) and in Beijing English books; but English is
exactly that language in which I don't need practice. So, more pdf's will have to be
found, and I am planning to read some simple Esperanto as well in preparation for my
trip to Hungary.
Tonight I have an Italian class (and I have to teach Dutch myself, of course). It
would be nice to read some Dutch again.
Edited by tarvos on 23 April 2015 at 3:36am
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1430 of 1511 26 April 2015 at 5:01am | IP Logged |
IT: Non mollare, con l'italiano ho fatto grandi passi nell'avanti, sopratutto già
capisco molto Italiano, anche posso leggere molti articola su Wikipedia. Presto
leggerò il Piccolo Principe per le mie lezione dell'italiano - è importante discutersi
teme interessante e difficile, per migliorar il mio livello. Credo che questo mi ho
fallito nell'ultimi giorni - un metodo efficiente per imparare le lingue ché già
capisco bene. Anche ho letto un poco sulla pianete Saturno in Italiano.
EL: Κι έμαθα ελληνικά, αλλά το επίπεδο μου δεν είναι εξαιρετικό και έχω πάρα πολλά
προβλήματα με την προφορά τους Έλλινους. Ώμος μπορώ να γράψο καλύτερα, γιατί έχω χρόνο
να σκεφτώ.
FR: De plus je suis en train de lire l'Art de la Guerre par Sun Bin. Apparemment, il y
en a deux livres qui s'appellent ainsi; le premier est celui écrit par Sun Tzu,
évidemment bien connu par tout le monde, encore décrit comme "la Bible des hommes
d'affaires", puisque maître Sun dit comment on applique la stratégie, la tactique et
comment exploiter les points faibles de l'ennemi d'une manière très concise et exacte,
voire élégante. Néanmoins je trouve son traite un peu général; il y a des moments où
un analyse un peu plus profond aurait convenu bien aux besoins du lecteur. Néanmoins
je trouve l'oeuvre de Sun Tzu très utile pour tous, tandis que le récit de Sun Bin est
intelligent, mais il souffre de deux problèmes gigantesques: d'abord, les manuscrits
sont trouvés incomplètes et donc il y a des grandes passages manquantes dans le texte,
ce qui rend le livre plus dur à suivre; ensuite, le texte soi-même est quoique
chaotique et ne dispose du même rigueur et clarté que l'opus de Sun Tzu. Il est dit
que monsieur Bin est un descendant de Sun Tzu, et c'est donc la raison pour laquelle
il a suivi dans les pas de son grand ancêtre, mais son style n'atteint pas les
hauteurs de Sun Tzu.
Pour un recit plus profond sur ce livre, ainsi que "Adler und Engel", je vous prie
d'attendre quelques jours; sur mon journal apparaîtront des articles concernant ces
deux livres pendant les jours suivantes. Donc c'est à vous de rester patient pendant
que je trouve le temps pour vous expliquer mon opinion en termes plus profonds.
EN: I've only taught English besides that, but I have watched a playthrough of The
Magic School Bus Explores the Solar System; one of my favourite computer games as a
kid. It's funny how outdated the data is though; this was 1994, and Jupiter didn't
have sixteen moons, rather 60... and no one had sent satellites the way of Pluto by
that point. Well, they sure have now. New Horizons should arrive at Pluto later this
year, and then we can finally rejoice and revel in images of the cold wasteland that
is that area of the solar system. Actually that is most of the solar system, but when
you go to Jupiter the temperatures may not be that high at the surface, but the
pressure and radiation certainly is.
And just now I read in the Wiki article on Titan that people have modelled cell
membranes capable of functioning in liquid methane (an important component of Titan's
atmosphere). I should write an article about that as well on my blog; but it won't be
in German or French (and neither will it be in English). They are called azotosomes
(from French "azote" meaning nitrogen and "soma" which is Greek for body).
Edited by tarvos on 26 April 2015 at 5:08am
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1431 of 1511 26 April 2015 at 6:58am | IP Logged |
Adler und Engel
Und dann gibt es endlich auch mein Beitrag über Adler und Engel. Selbstverständlich auf
Deutsch. Mit schlechter Grammatik, natürlich :D
Edited by tarvos on 27 April 2015 at 8:06am
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| tarvos Super Polyglot Winner TAC 2012 Senior Member China likeapolyglot.wordpr Joined 4789 days ago 5310 posts - 9399 votes     Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish
| Message 1432 of 1511 30 April 2015 at 2:59pm | IP Logged |
There isn't much to say. I have finished my first Italian novel (hooray), L'Art de la
Guerre (hooray), and am living my polyglot life here in China. It doesn't stop me from
having major f**kups with my Mandarin but what can you do. Not much I suppose. Except
learn more Mandarin.
I am going to write some stuff shortly on my blog in French and Russian and maybe also in
Italian about the Little Prince if I feel like it. Well at least in French shortly.
I am in spirit with all my friends at the Polyglot Gathering. Unfortunately I cannot
attend this year's Gathering, but I hope to go to New York or any future Berlin events
when I return to Europe in the fall.
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