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Tarvos - TAC 2015 Pushkin/Scan

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 Message 313 of 1511
22 October 2012 at 6:28pm | IP Logged 
I'm glad you like Winnerbäck. He's really good! My first song of his that I heard was "Du gamla fria nord", which is an allusion to the Swedish national anthem. It's rather sociocritical compared to his other songs, but nevertheless very good.
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 314 of 1511
22 October 2012 at 6:46pm | IP Logged 
Yup! Thanks for the rec, I have been playing Tvivel non-stop. I love it! The best version
is the one with Lisa Ekdahl live. The voice with the rolled r....

I love Balladen om Konsekvenser as well, and Jag får liksom ingen ordning.
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Super Polyglot
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5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 315 of 1511
23 October 2012 at 1:57pm | IP Logged 
Jorn pratar svenska

SV: Jag har försökt att tala svenska på ett litt videoklippet. Skriva någonting som du
trot det finns något fel! Jag vet att det finns mycket att göra bättre, det är inte

Alla konstruktiva kommentarer är välkomna.
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SwedenRegistered users can see my Skype Name
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Speaks: Swedish*, English
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 Message 316 of 1511
24 October 2012 at 12:16am | IP Logged 
This is the strangest thing - your Swedish accent reminds me of Luca and Richard (plus a tiny bit of a little girl here in town - a native Dutch).

There is a common mistake in both your post and your video - "tro" is more like "believe"/"suppose"/"assume" than the general "think". If you want to express your opinion, use "tycka"

Example:"Jag har lärt mig svenska för... jag har alltid trott att det är ett vackert språk"

"alltid tyckt" is the only way to say this - "trott" makes it sound that you've thought it to be a beautiful language (but now realised that it wasn't!).

This being said, I can understand you perfectly. And I've heard people whose accents and grammar were a lot worse. Goed gedaan!
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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Joined 4635 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 317 of 1511
25 October 2012 at 11:53pm | IP Logged 
SV: Jag har nu redan avslutat 15:e lektionen. Jag behöver bara att lyssna på
senaste lektionen och skriva min vanliga ordlista - det finns inga övningar där. Så,
det betyder att jag tänker avsluta FSI-kursen det nästa veckoslutet. Då kan jag
förtsätta med privatlektionerna och arbeta duktigt tills jag pratar som en riktig

РУ: Я также прочитал в книге <<Тамань>>, но мне было немного сложно. Наверное
мне надо писать списки слов для книги, потому что несколько слов мне неизвестно.

FR: Et finalement j'ai reçu ma nouvelle édition de Science et Vie hier après-
midi. J'ai juste fini la dernière, donc c'est du bon timing! Malheureusement le sujet
"à la une" s'agit de la formule de Bayes, ce qui est une règle qui vient de la champ de
statistique. Ce loi nous permettra de prévenir des choses en façon stochastique si on a
déjà quelques données d'un autre évènement. Naturellement les deux doivent être lié,
mais bien sûr c'est à dire lié dans un sens probabiliste, alors il faut y avoir une
corrélation statistique. Les méthodes numériques sont souvent utilisés pour prédire
certains phénomènes et aussi parfois pour des prévisions météorologiques (pensez au
météo etc.)

Maybe I'll even finish my Swedish before 1 november and start Breton on time. All the
better because the coming months will be hell in terms of uni and thesis work, so if I
don't write as much as usual that will be why.

Edited by tarvos on 28 October 2012 at 5:05pm

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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Joined 4635 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 318 of 1511
28 October 2012 at 11:39pm | IP Logged 
У меня на выходные времени не были, так как я поработал и после того, я уехал на
вечеринку друга. Но всё-таки я сделал урок 19 в Коллоквиал, и ещё сделал список слов
для урока.

Я открыл, что у меня в книге только 20 уроков, а не 22. Т.е. я (наверное) закончу книгу
в следующее воскресенье.

FR: J'ai aussi lu un peu dans mon journal scientifique, mais il y a vraiment rien de
neuf à ajouter ici. Parfois on ne rencontre que des choses quasi-intéressantes, mais
qui conviennent pas du tout pour écrire un message ici.

However, I did encounter a guy last night (well, I think I have met him before, but
that was years ago) who spoke Hebrew and had lived on a kibbutz in Israel. I don't know
much Hebrew apart from a few stock phrases, and he is Dutch, but it was fun to find out
and it's reinforced the message that I really should get working on Hebrew sometime
soon in the future (probably after graduating).

It's also important given that I want to spend at least a few months living in Tel Aviv
in the future (as well as in Sweden sometime). I don't know whether I will set myself a
Hebrew mission (or indeed where I will go after my graduation). But I'm sure I will
improve and get a bit of a handle on Hebrew in 2013.

Also, if I had to assess my current language levels it would be something like this:

Dutch: native
English: native-level (C2)
French: almost a B2
German: around B2
Russian: a low B1
Swedish: a low B1
Latin: middle-of-the-road because I don't speak it

and a ton of stock phrases in a ton of languages, including Hebrew, Romanian, Spanish,
etc. But mostly Hebrew and Romanian.

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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Joined 4635 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 319 of 1511
29 October 2012 at 2:38pm | IP Logged 
Kan någon hjälpa mig till?

Jag söker texten av sång "Norr om Eden" av Sofia Karlsson, men det finns inte nånstans på
Internet (i alla fall har jag inte funnit nånting).

"Om det behövs ska jag ropa högt..."

Edited by tarvos on 29 October 2012 at 2:39pm

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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
Senior Member
Joined 4635 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 320 of 1511
29 October 2012 at 5:22pm | IP Logged 
Det blir mörkt igen för tidigt. Jag kan få tända ljuset klockan 5.


Edited by tarvos on 30 October 2012 at 1:37pm

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