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Tarvos - TAC 2015 Pushkin/Scan

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Senior Member
Russian Federation
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Speaks: Russian*

 Message 633 of 1511
12 April 2013 at 7:17pm | IP Logged 
tarvos wrote:

Speaking of pronunciation, I find it really weird that a year or more ago I could not
distinguish between a whole variety of 'r' sounds (i.e. alveolar and uvular r sounded
the same to me). After I'd finally learned to pronounce an alveolar r the sounds have
become "distinct" in my mind.

(I also notice who uses what r in Dutch. In Dutch 'r' sounds are basically a "whatever
pick something").

Yes, it's often the case that it is better to train the correct pronunciation first and
then you start hearing the difference.
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Super Polyglot
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Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 634 of 1511
15 April 2013 at 4:26pm | IP Logged 
Alors, ce week-end je n'ai pas fait grande chose. J'ai fini "Barbe bleue", et ça m'a
pris environ une heure et demie le samedi dernier. C'était amusant, comme tous les
livres d'Amélie Nothomb, mais rien d'extraordinaire. Il suffit de noter que pour moi,
Hygiène de l'Assassin et Acide Sulfurique restent les zéniths de son oeuvre, bien qu'il
y ait des autres livres très compétitifs dans cette catégorie-là.

גם למדתי עברית. אבל אני לא יכול לכתוב טוב מאוד.

(to clarify; I got to lesson 43 of the book and I am now finally going to learn the
past tense in Hebrew.)

N-am făcut nimic cu limba română, pentru că eu n-am avut timp și nevoie. Dar ește
posibil ca o să fac o lecțiă azi, dacă o sa fie timp...

Конечно немножко поболтал на русском...,

...ha bremañ emañ o teskiñ brezhoneg spontus-spontus, met dont a rin a-benn da studiañ
ha komz yezh ar Vrezhoned. Brudet int er holl vro, hag an Izelvroioù hag ar Frañs. Emañ
tud amañ a ouient gwerzioù brezhoneg? Gallout a reont kanañ gwerzh? Gant piv eo c'hoant
mont da Vreizh ha kanañ gwerzioù ganin?   

Edited by tarvos on 15 April 2013 at 5:46pm

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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5308 days ago

778 posts - 885 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Italian, Modern Hebrew, Russian, Arabic (Written), Romanian, Icelandic, Georgian

 Message 635 of 1511
15 April 2013 at 5:40pm | IP Logged 
tarvos wrote:

גם למדתי עברית. אבל אני לא ילוך לכתוב טוב מאוד.

Did you mean יכול?
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
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5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 636 of 1511
15 April 2013 at 5:46pm | IP Logged 
Yup, I just can't type Hebrew apparently.
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Super Polyglot
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5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 637 of 1511
17 April 2013 at 10:04am | IP Logged 
At work, so no time for a huge 10-paragraph update, but here are my current businesses
in the language world:

- I have spent some time this week (like every week) on Russian and in this case it
concerned mostly watching a tv series episode of a Russian sitcom called светофор,
based on an Israeli sitcom called Ramzor (traffic light). Once my Hebrew gets better I
will have to watch the original instead of the Russian remake;

- got to lesson 78 of the Breton active wave; hopefully tonight I can do one or two
more lessons but I will have to not be tired because I do not have my Breton book with
me here;

- completed lesson 44 and 45 of the Routledge course, now just need to do the review
exercises. I have learned the past tense suffixes (although I'm confused about that
schwa after the third root letter's pronunciation; am I supposed to pronounce the /e/
for Pa'al verbs?). 45/90 lessons covered, 3/8 units covered. (somehow the spread is

- completed lesson 32 and 33 of Le Roumain sans peine and all that remains is to add
the new vocabulary into ANKI.

The latter two done tonight and this morning on the train (I listened to the audio for
Hebrew last night).

Furthermore I'm trying to decide on a language that I will study after I get to a good
level in Romanian (which I presume that I will not need much more than Assimil for to
understand; it's cognate with two languages I know and imports vocabulary from another
language I am more than familiar with).

The choices are several:

- start colloquial Icelandic (in my possession)
- start FSI Serbo-Croatian (in my possession)
- start FSI Swahili (in my possession)
- start another language entirely; Malagasy (very attractive right now), Portuguese,
Chinese, Tagalog, and Czech also all beckon.
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Senior Member
United States
Joined 5308 days ago

778 posts - 885 votes 
Speaks: English*
Studies: Italian, Modern Hebrew, Russian, Arabic (Written), Romanian, Icelandic, Georgian

 Message 638 of 1511
17 April 2013 at 3:48pm | IP Logged 
I love Ramzor! I have heard about the Russian version but I've never seen it. I will
have to check it out.

Tarvos wrote:
I have learned the past tense suffixes (although I'm confused about
that schwa after the third root letter's pronunciation; am I supposed to pronounce the
/e/ for Pa'al verbs?).

No, it is not pronounced. So for example, for the verb לכתוב (to write), the
conjugations are pronounced (I will indicate the stress):
Ani katávti
Ata katávta
At katávt
Hu katáv
Hi katvá
Anachnu katávnu
Atem katávtem
Aten katávten
Hem katvú
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Super Polyglot
Winner TAC 2012
Senior Member
Joined 4757 days ago

5310 posts - 9399 votes 
Speaks: Dutch*, English, Swedish, French, Russian, German, Italian, Norwegian, Mandarin, Romanian, Afrikaans
Studies: Greek, Modern Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Korean, Esperanto, Finnish

 Message 639 of 1511
17 April 2013 at 3:56pm | IP Logged 
Thank you!

Yes, I was just confused because for lamadti it seemed to be pronounced lamadeti. Is that
due to the d/t combination (using ללמוד as the verb)?

And on a strange note, a sudden urge of consumerism cost me as I decided to splash cash
and bought Le Malgache in a super-pack.

I guess I will study Malagasy soon.

Edited by tarvos on 17 April 2013 at 4:33pm

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Bilingual Triglot
Joined 4303 days ago

11 posts - 19 votes
Speaks: Modern Hebrew*, Biblical Hebrew*, English
Studies: Tigrinya

 Message 640 of 1511
17 April 2013 at 4:33pm | IP Logged 
zecchino1991 wrote:

Ani katávti
Ata katávta
At katávt
Hu katáv
Hi katvá
Anachnu katávnu
Atem katávtem
Aten katávten
Hem katvú

Just a little correction, in Binyan Pa'al (I'm not sure how to call it in English -
בניין פעל, זמן עבר, גוף שני רבים/רבות) it is different:

Atem ktavtem (אתם כְּתַבְתֶּם)
Aten ktavten (אתן כְּתַבְתֶּן)

tarvos wrote:
Yes, I was just confused because for lamadti it seemed to be pronounced
lamadeti. Is that
due to the d/t combination (using ללמוד as the verb)?

You are right.

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